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n. 1 Any of the fish in the ''(taxlink Aulostomidae family noshow=1)'' family of tube-shaped fish. 2 # (taxlink Aulostomus maculatus species noshow=1). 3 A longspine snipefish, (taxlink Macroramphosus scolopax species noshow=1).


n. tropical Atlantic fish with a long snout; swims snout down [syn: Aulostomus maculatus]

For the trumpetfish family, see Aulostomidae.

The trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus, is a long-bodied fish with an upturned mouth; it often swims vertically while trying to blend with vertical coral, such as sea rods, sea pens, and pipe sponges.

Usage examples of "trumpetfish".

They pedaled their fins, moving only an arm's length above the weird and exotically molded underwater jungle, observed queerly by a crowd of small angelfish, pufferfish, and trumpetfish.