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tropical rain forest

n. a rain forest in a tropical area [syn: selva]

Usage examples of "tropical rain forest".

Waves of vegetation had migrated away from the equator, until tropical rain forest eventually covered all of Africa and South America, North America to what would become the Canadian border, China, Europe as far north as France, and much of Australia.

They became extinct in every habitat without exception, from deserts to cold rain forest and tropical rain forest.

Africa has smaller areas of tropical rain forest than does Southeast Asia, and no temperate habitats at all beyond latitude 37 degrees.

However, while 60 percent of the country was nutrient-rich, tropical rain forest at independence over 30 years ago, only six per cent was rain forest now.

And surrounding the shrubs were the mighty trees, great giants of the tropical rain forest, soaring two and three hundred feet into the cloudless blue sky.

Several hundred feel back from ihe edge rose Ihe verdant wall of a tropical rain forest.

Now he sat near me as the current moved us around a wide bend and into an even thicker tropical rain forest.

Many animals and plants are disappearing even before we are aware of their existence, perhaps hidden away somewhere in the depths of an unexplored sea or in a quiet corner of a tropical rain forest.

Spartan though those might be, they would seem luxurious after the tropical rain forest of New Bali.