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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Troglodytes \Trog`lo*dy"tes\, n. [NL. See Troglodyte.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) A genus of apes including the chimpanzee.

    Note: The chimpanzee is now named Pan troglodytes., and its genus is Pan.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) A genus of singing birds including the common wrens.


n. (plural of troglodyte English)

Troglodytes (wren)

Troglodytes is a genus of small passerine birds in the wren family. These wrens are around long. They are brownish above and somewhat paler below, with strong legs. Their short rounded wings and frequently cocked tail have a dark barred pattern. The flight is direct and buzzing.

Troglodytes wrens are mostly found in somewhat cooler habitats than most of their relatives. Most of the species are found in the mountains from Mexico to northern South America. Five species are found in temperate latitudes: The house wren occurs widely in both tropical and temperate lowlands, but is frequently split into several species. Until recently, the hardy winter wren was believed to have a wide distribution in North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa, but it has recently been split into three species, of which the Eurasian wren is the only wren of any genus found outside the New World. The Cobb's wren of the Falkland Islands is another species which tolerates harsh conditions well.

Like other wrens, they are elusive as they hunt for small insects and spiders, but they readily reveal their positions through their loud songs.

These are territorial birds, but the tiny winter wren will roost communally in a cavity in cold weather to help conserve heat.

Usage examples of "troglodytes".

And why did those troglodytes accuse him of killing Hiliary Thurs-ton?

And, indeed, Plato saw the entire manifest world as a pale image of a Reality and Light beyond the Cave of Shadows, the Cave in which the troglodytes are chained, the Cave of fleeting sensory impressions and fluctuating mental opinions.

They have vast storehouses of foods such as these, not to mention larders of suspended troglodytes and Travellers.

They discovered and lived off the troglodytes in their deep caverns on Starside.

Neither of us were in the best condition, having but recently escaped from the noisome underground burrows of the troglodytes, but that made little difference to Hoggur.

Klygon and I, together with that smooth-tongued traitor who called himself Delgan of the Isles, had escaped from the underground cavern-world of the albino troglodytes, my friends were also escaping from the clutches of the ebony-skinned rulers for the Flying City.

I will tell you why they make me tell you about troglodytes, but forbid me to tell you about emperors.

The anthropoids welcomed his removal, but the troglodytes, led by Hefty, resented it.

The moment he appeared the troglodytes, displaying their former training, jumped to their feet like so many jack-in-the-boxes and stood at attention by their desks.

Stepan Atlantis slipped in under cover of his broad back, but the troglodytes dragged him back into the corridor.

He took care of our troglodytes good that time, and there was a reason why Alexander Karlovich respected him so.

Together, we three had escaped from the albino troglodytes and won freedom.

About the same time that Klygon and I, together with that smooth-tongued traitor who called himself Delgan of the Isles, had escaped from the underground cavern-world of the albino troglodytes, my friends were also escaping from the clutches of the ebony-skinned rulers for the Flying City.

So when the tank was out of fog, it was left running nitrogen and the people who were closest to the floor - the worms and the troglodytes - were temporarily deprived of oxygen and passed out.

It is a place inhabited by scores of forgotten men, half-demented troglodytes who survive on refuse and are the companions of rats and other vermin.