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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Triticum \Trit"i*cum\, n. [L., perhaps fr. tritus, p. p. of terere to grind.] (Bot.) A genus of grasses including the various species of wheat.

  1. redirect wheat

Category:Poaceae genera Category:Poaceae

Usage examples of "triticum".

Sed sicut dicitur de zizaniis: Ne forte eradicantes zizania simul eradicetis et triticum, ita etiam super iis dici potest, in quibus vel dubia vel occulta peccata sunt.

Look at that field of flowering grass, the triticum vulgare,--see how its waves follow the breeze in satiny alternations of light and shadow.

It was formerly known as Triticum repens, though now assigned to the genus Agropyrum.

The process was assisted by Iza's spring tonic, compounded of triticum roots, collected early in spring from the coarse grass that resembled rye, dried woodruff leaves, and iron-rich yellow dock root powder, administered, universally to young and old alike by the clan's medicine woman.