n. the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled [syn: stump]
After a tree has been cut and felled, the stump or tree stump is usually a small remaining portion of the trunk with the roots still in the ground. Stumps may show the age-defining rings of a tree. The study of these rings is known as dendrochronology.
Usage examples of "tree stump".
He wore his hair tied back like Tore and most of the Riders, but it wasnt really long enough for that, and the tied part stuck up on the back of his head like a tree stump.
You saw him, he was hard as an old tree stump, and Gilly is stronger than she looks.
I heard a sound like that of a tree stump groaning as it 18 uprooted .
Leaving its sack on the ground, the spidren threw a loop of web around a nearby tree stump.
They had put on a tourniquet, then fought the tree stump onto the trailer and labored it home to Changi.
The door creaked open, revealing a dank dirt passage and the upthrusting roots of a tree stump that the door's movement had pushed outward and down.
When he saw that he was clear, he stopped to watch, leaning against a large tree stump to catch his breath.
As we started up it the sharpened upper edge of the tree stump barely showed above the ridge, but as we climbed more and more of the massive stump came into view.
Under a shed roof against the palisade was a woodpile and next to the woodpile stood an old tree stump with an axe in it.