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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transubstantiate \Tran`sub*stan"ti*ate\, v. t. [LL. transubstantiatus, p. p. of transubstantiare to transubstantiate; L. trans across, over + substantia substance. See Substance.]

  1. To change into another substance. [R.]

    The spider love which transubstantiates all, And can convert manna to gall.

  2. (R. C. Theol.) To change, as the sacramental elements, bread and wine, into the flesh and blood of Christ.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To change one substance into another; to transmute. 2 (context transitive English) To change the bread and wine of the eucharist into the body and blood of Jesus.

  1. v. change (the Eucharist bread and wine) into the body and blood of Christ

  2. change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another" [syn: transform, transmute]

Usage examples of "transubstantiate".

He denied that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the body and blood of Jesus, though he held that the body and blood are really present with the elements.

So down they sat, And to thir viands fell, nor seemingly The Angel, nor in mist, the common gloss Of Theologians, but with keen dispatch Of real hunger, and concoctive heate To transubstantiate.

In the evening or at noontime when he stretched out under a tree to eat, or when they were feted in some house by friends, and Jesus, as was his habit, blessed and divided the bread, Andrew’s entrails took this bread and immediately transubstantiated it into love and laughter.

The mountains which held this miraculous sea had been transformed from gray rock into a silver chalice for a god's transubstantiated blood.

And Amsel lifted it up, counted the remaining fabric-covered buttons, tested every rent with parted fingers, demonstrated what a shepherd's incited fangs can do, and after this instructive Introit, proceeded to the Mass: he ogled through jagged holes, peered through slits, widened burst seams with two malignant fingers, was wind under coattails, finally crawled in, became entirely one with the festive tatter, transubstantiated himself and the cloth, and treated the audience to a performance featuring a disabled swallowtail coat: Amsel looked terrifying.

Washed by relief, father Kemal Butt breathed air filled with incendiarized bicycles, coughing and spluttering as the fumes of incinerated wheels, the vaporized ghosts of chains bells saddlebags handlebars, the transubstantiated frames of Arjuna Indiabikes moved in and out of their lungs.

You might say we've entered the mind of the transubstantiated Regis herself.

Doo, Esquire, of the Noble Right Royal Transubstantiated Knights of the Temporal Jet Plane.

Recently returned from a distant campaign, it alone had been spared the wrath of the Invid's transubstantiating departure, one ship among scores in that moment of victorious defeat.

But now, as Fat had seen, God had escaped the confines and was transubstantiating the world.

Slowly, it became solid, transubstantiating itself like an avatar of the Sunbane.