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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It is also because nuclear weapons have not completely transformed the military and moral environment in which we live.
▪ If things continued this way for any other biotic population, that population would be erased or completely transformed fairly quickly.
▪ His discovery completely transformed the way we think about space and time.
▪ These new therapies have completely transformed home health care as well.
▪ Besides, when some one spoke to me, I was completely transformed.
▪ Invitro ras and p53 mutants cooperate to transform primary rat cells into cells capable of lethal tumourigenesis.
▪ Invitro, oncogenes cooperate to transform cells and render them tumorigenic.
▪ Invitro certain combinations of oncogenes cooperate to transform primary rat cells.
▪ Then, with luck, some of the reintroduced, transformed cells will differentiate to form germ cells in that embryo.
▪ As well as transformation of established 3T3 cells, p53 will also cooperate with mutant ras genes to transform primary rat cells.
▪ But they were able to add transformed cells to existing embryos.
▪ Government will commission the best designers, artists and architects, for instance, to help communities transform run-down city centres.
▪ And it transformed the city into a thriving inland port.
▪ Cars transformed the country, be-coming in the process the most important product in the whole economy.
▪ It's a historical commonplace that this extraordinary cohort of Hitler's unwanted transformed their adopted country.
▪ In ten years, the Thatcher governments transformed the political economy and the public culture.
▪ Within a span of decades, technological advances, organizational innovations, and new ways of thinking transform economies.
▪ He had an engaging smile, quite boyish, which transformed his otherwise serious face.
▪ One variable will be the pace of technological change, which has already transformed the face of agriculture.
▪ As he spoke I was very conscious of the smile which transformed his usually impassive face.
▪ The Industrial Revolution transformed the face of the countryside and thrust workers together in the new urban environments, packed and smoky.
▪ But these changes are slowly, resolutely transforming the face of our world.
▪ The analysis spans a period when technology and communication techniques transformed the outward face of policing.
▪ She turned to face me and gave me that vivid smile that transformed her already delightful face.
▪ It would transform the image of State education, and do the tattered Royal image no harm either.
▪ Pete Wilson successfully transformed the image of the industrious immigrant into a military threat.
▪ Computer programs can transform these images to plan views but the resolution can not match that achieved by conventional photographic films.
▪ Fine snow fell and transformed the image of the wood.
▪ VidiPC form Rombo Productions is a video frame grabbing package which transforms a video image into a digitised format.
▪ The co-operative hopes to transform the area's image.
▪ For Information Technology is going to transform all our lives - we have hardly seen anything yet.
▪ By a second child you have already transformed your life.
▪ That first call had been the start of a campaign of intimidation that had transformed Polly's life into a living hell.
▪ There, they would later say, he learned how to cope with his learning difference, and effectively transformed his life.
▪ A whole range of material and cultural innovations in the late nineteenth century had begun to transform urban life.
▪ Their desire for knowledge, however, was so strong that it transformed their lives.
▪ By investing in public transport, we start to transform commuters' lives and create a cleaner environment.
▪ They also have deeply transforming life proposals.
▪ At night, the glare of the power station lights transform the complex into something like a beached transatlantic liner.
▪ Those guys only wish that spending millions of dollars on a series of unrelated thrills had the power to transform them.
▪ In essence, the power structure at Mega transforms itself.
▪ The outcome is a power which transforms the nature of the relationship between the police and the public.
▪ Gregory insists he did not get carried away with all the hype and is still confident he can transform the situation.
▪ Further, as the present case shows, the introduction of a possible Community law defence may transform the situation.
▪ The repeal of Section 28 won't transform society.
▪ What should happen is that development should be seen as a way of transforming society rather than asset portfolios.
▪ Marx believed that the class struggle which would transform capitalist society would involve none of these processes.
▪ His conquests transformed the ancient world and ushered in the Hellenistic age of great monarchies.
▪ Part one focuses on the hippie culture that spread out from the Haight to transform the world.
▪ And there, beyond the books on the windowsill, her floods, transforming the world like the eye in love.
▪ They take action in order to discover, or to serve, and in the process transform or improve the world.
▪ By exploring and changing our inner world, we begin to transform our outer world.
▪ He wants to surpass and astound them by transforming the world.
▪ We do not want to transform the world once again into a place for religious fighting.
▪ The war had transformed the world, and the nation had changed with it.
▪ Government will commission the best designers, artists and architects, for instance, to help communities transform run-down city centres.
▪ From the work, a few of the helpers and a few of those being helped emerge transformed.
▪ It is understood the company will look for design and advertising agencies to help transform the brand into a fashionable label.
▪ As he passed through the congregation, Jim picked out the faces of people who had helped Tom transform Holy Trinity.
▪ We believe that the analysis of these four cornerstones can help women transform themselves into subjects of their own reality.
▪ In those eight years they have helped transform Republican presidential politics by wrenching it to the conservative side.
▪ This attitude has helped to transform science into a wonderland of the imagination.
▪ We will work to help the churches transform their view of what communication is and should be. 2.
▪ In the last 20 years, Korea has been transformed into a major industrial nation.
▪ Well, you've certainly transformed this place - it looks great!
▪ When she smiled, her face was completely transformed.
▪ At rest the cricket looks like a dead leaf, but it transforms itself at the last moment.
▪ Francois Michelin describes this secret process as the equivalent of float-glass making, which transformed the manufacture of sheet glass.
▪ In a more limited sense, Piaget, like Hegel, is attempting to transform Kantian ontology into a dialectical movement.
▪ Of course it can be well worthwhile simply to transform cultured tissue in this way.
▪ The new system transformed the way managers thought about their money.
▪ These bodies can not be considered truly incorrupt since the tissues are transformed into another substance.
▪ Under the program, the government sold shares to citizens for a nominal fee to quickly transform state enterprises into private companies.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transform \Trans*form"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transformed; p. pr. & vb. n. Transforming.] [L. transformare, transformatum; trans across, over + formare to from: cf. F. transformer. See Form, v. t.]

  1. To change the form of; to change in shape or appearance; to metamorphose; as, a caterpillar is ultimately transformed into a butterfly.

    Love may transform me to an oyster.

  2. To change into another substance; to transmute; as, the alchemists sought to transform lead into gold.

  3. To change in nature, disposition, heart, character, or the like; to convert.

    Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
    --Rom. xii. 2.

  4. (Math.) To change, as an algebraic expression or geometrical figure, into another from without altering its value.


Transform \Trans*form"\, v. i. To be changed in form; to be metamorphosed. [R.]

His hair transforms to down.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-14c., "change the form of" (transitive), from Old French transformer (14c.), from Latin transformare "change in shape, metamorphose," from trans- "across" (see trans-) + formare "to form" (see form (v.)). Intransitive sense "undergo a change of form" is from 1590s. Related: Transformed; transforming.


n. (context mathematics English) the result of a transformation vb. (context transitive English) To change greatly the appearance or form of.

  1. v. subject to a mathematical transformation

  2. change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another" [syn: transmute, transubstantiate]

  3. change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle" [syn: transmute, metamorphose]

  4. change from one form or medium into another; "Braque translated collage into oil" [syn: translate]

  5. convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light"

  6. change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species

  7. increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage)

Transform (Powerman 5000 album)

Transform is the fourth album by American band Powerman 5000, released May 20, 2003. It is an enhanced CD that includes the videos for "Free" and "Action," the album's two singles.

Transform (Rebecca St. James album)

Transform is the sixth studio album by Christian pop and rock singer Rebecca St. James. It was released on October 24, 2000 and debuted at No. 166 on the Billboard 200. The album spawned two of St. James' biggest hits, " Wait for Me" and " Reborn".


Transform may refer to:

Transform (consulting firm)

Transform - which also includes Transform Aviation LLC and DifEQ Consulting LLP - is a management consulting, technology services and process improvement firm. The entities comprising the Transform brand are registered in the state of Georgia. Transform currently focuses on two key industries: Aviation and Government. It is said to be a leader for technology services in the aviation industry. Transform's current and former clients include 40+ airlines and aviation organizations, several large US-based health systems, the Department of Defense (through an approved GSA MOBIS Schedule, Contract Award Number GS-10F-0075V), and many of the Fortune 500.

Transform (EP)

Transform is the second single album by the South Korean boy band Teen Top. It was released in January 11, 2011 with the song "Supa Luv" as the title track. A remix version of the song was released in February 18, 2011.

Transform (Alva Noto album)

Transform is the second studio album by German electronic artist Alva Noto. It was released on September 4, 2001 via Mille Plateaux label. The album was re-released in 2008 via Raster-Noton label. The album is the first part of Alva Noto's Transall series, along with the EPs Transrapid, Transspray, and Transvision (2001–2006).

Usage examples of "transform".

With some slight alterations, a theatre, an amphitheatre, a mausoleum, was transformed into a strong and spacious citadel.

From the historical point of view the novel offers an unsurpassed picture of the change that transformed the Russia of Nicholas I into the almost anarchic Russia of the sixties.

And a world made unsafe for mysticism and theocentric religion is a world where the only proved method of transforming personality will be less and less practiced, and where fewer and fewer people will possess any direct, experimental knowledge of reality to set up against the false doctrine of totalitarian anthropocentrism and the pernicious ideas and practices of nationalistic pseudo-mysticism.

The addition seemed to transform the house, not only giving us more room but also making the house architecturally more interesting, while not altering its essentially compact character.

Feather looked up, and his veins seemed to transform into ice when he beheld the hulking, bearish figures on the brink of the ravine, perhaps 30 yards distant on the right-hand side.

Feather looked up, and his veins seemed to transform into ice when he beheld the hulking, bearish Figures on the brink of the ravine, perhaps 30 yards distant on the right-hand side.

All werewolves are of evil disposition, having assumed a bestial form to gratify a beastial appetite, but some, transformed by sorcery, are as humane and is consistent with an acquired taste for human flesh.

It was extremely characteristic of Bernard Longueville that his pleasure should suddenly transform itself into flatness.

We had been transformed into a band of idlers, Boron and Ardzrouni spent their days debating the vacuum, and in fact Ardzrouni had persuaded Gavagai to put him in touch with a ponce carpenter, and was contriving with him to see if it was possible to construct only from wood, without any metal, one of his miraculous pumps.

Coulomb field transforms to these mind-consciousness-reality wave functions, you quickly see how the post-humans opened Brane Holes to new universes and then teleported there themselves.

He looked away from the projected image, to find himself the object of a glare from Brond Halorn that would doubtless have wondrously transformed him into some species of small, squeaking vermin, had she but the power.

Sector Alpha Crucis will never be safe until Aeneas has been utterly transformed: into an imitation Terra, say most.

Skarn was at once transformed into a warty, mouse-scented demon, which the recovered Flax promptly dispersed.

Immediately after dampening they transform into the feared hydrocyanic acid gas, or Prussic acid.

In the truest fashion of every light weapon developed by a committee, the procurement system finally developed specifications for the manjacks that transformed them from the original concept of a light, relatively simple automatic weapon on an automated tripod, into a virtual mini-tank.