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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transparency \Trans*par"en*cy\, n.; pl. Transparencies. [Cf. F. transparence.]

  1. The quality or condition of being transparent; transparence.

  2. That which is transparent; especially, a picture painted on thin cloth or glass, or impressed on porcelain, or the like, to be viewed by natural or artificial light, which shines through it.


n. (plural of transparency English)

Usage examples of "transparencies".

As the tall, thin figure stood silhouetted against the glow of the transparencies across the park, Hay suddenly saw Lincoln as a sort of human lightning conductor, absorbing all the fire from Heaven for all of them.

I parked, grabbed the box of transparencies and notes, and groaned my way out of the car.

Yet she hadn't been sure enough to give the transparencies to the police.

Then she said, “I know… I’m asking such a lot… but could you… put those transparencies into storage?

As most of the contents were folders of transparencies, brochures, and business cards, he didn't empty it onto one of the bins set aside for that purpose.

There were creatures that lived in this last fling of the sea, tiny transparencies that came questing in with the water over the hot, dry sand.

Like a myriad of tiny teeth in a saw, the transparencies came scavenging over the beach.

He abandoned the noiseless transparencies and pointed at the center of the spreading rings like a setter.

If I can draw those onto some kind of transparencies, we can use them as matrices to sort out the shards of the different personalities.