Crossword clues for transfigured
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Transfigure \Trans*fig"ure\ (?; 135), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transfigured; p. pr. & vb. n. Transfiguring.] [F. transfigurer, L. transfigurare, transfiguratum; trans across, over + figurare to form, shape. See Figure, v. t.]
To change the outward form or appearance of; to metamorphose; to transform.
Especially, to change to something exalted and glorious; to give an ideal form to.
[Jesus] was transfigured before them; and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
--Matt. xvii. 2.
vb. (en-past of: transfigure)
Usage examples of "transfigured".
The contrast of world and Mind, or of Plinio and Joseph, had before my eyes been transfigured from the conflict of two irreconcilable principles into a double concerto.
The immense gleam of the whole combat which he had missed, and in which he had had no part, appeared in the brilliant glance of the transfigured drunken man.
It was an exquisite candor expanding and becoming transfigured in the light.
Cosette, as she took her flight, winged and transfigured, left behind her on the earth her hideous and empty chrysalis, Jean Valjean.
They were warped, reshaped, and transfigured by wars that spilled across the galaxy, contact with a dozen lifeforms from as many star systems, and the urgings of Protoculture itself, the Flower's bad seed.
And somewhere above the madness was death's harbinger-a Special Child of his ex-wife's own making, transfigured by the Fruits of half-a-dozen worlds into something beyond reckoning.
Edwards asked, alarmed by the sight of Tesla in his transfigured state.
He would be able to return, invincible, to Optera-a transfigured presence both the Regent and the Sentinels would gaze upon in fear and wonder.
Now I must leave it to you to do with my story whatever you like, and to assign whatever term you will to our Master's transfigured state.
Since there are accounts of blessed, perfected, radiant, transfigured souls in many religions, why should not our Castalian piety occasionally have this kind of blossoming?
She turned and looked at him with a transfigured expression, then shrugged free.
Everyone who'd been with Garric was still present, but there were other figures on the transfigured landscape as well.