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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For one instant I saw you, erect on tiptoe, ruling your orchestra and transfigured by the expression of a conqueror.
▪ His was a face, stern, even a little melancholy in repose, which was transfigured when he smiled.
▪ It was that bitter rivalry that led us to lift our gaze to space-but what we have seen has transfigured us.
▪ Like Blake, he paints the world transfigured.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transfigure \Trans*fig"ure\ (?; 135), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transfigured; p. pr. & vb. n. Transfiguring.] [F. transfigurer, L. transfigurare, transfiguratum; trans across, over + figurare to form, shape. See Figure, v. t.]

  1. To change the outward form or appearance of; to metamorphose; to transform.

  2. Especially, to change to something exalted and glorious; to give an ideal form to.

    [Jesus] was transfigured before them; and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
    --Matt. xvii. 2.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 13c., from Old French transfigurer "change, transform" (12c.), and directly from Latin transfigurare "change the shape of," from trans- "across" (see trans-) + figurare "to form, fashion," from figura "to form, shape," from figura "a shape, form, figure" (see figure (n.)). Related: Transfigured; transfiguring.


vb. 1 To transform the outward appearance of something; to convert into a different form, state or substance. 2 To glorify or exalt something or someone.

  1. v. elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration [syn: glorify, spiritualize]

  2. change completely the nature or appearance of; "In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug"; "The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman"; "Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection" [syn: metamorphose, transmogrify]

Usage examples of "transfigure".

Those counted worthy shall be accepted, be transfigured into the resemblance of the glorious Redeemer and enter into eternal blessedness in heaven.

The DeLillo universe is an ordinary world transfigured by extraordinary concerns, a quotidian place seen in the terrifying white light of eternity.

Buddhist, he can live in a transfigured world where nirvana and samsara, the eternal and the temporal, are one.

He marvelled at the way Schwarzschild geodesies flowed into cheek-planes, the spinors transfigured themselves as eyebrows, and the tensor fields spread out and grew into the forehead of this blazing, inner face.

Instead of spirit being materialized, matter is spiritualized and nature transfigured into the ideal home of ideal entities.

The nursery of our greatest dramatists must be looked for, not, it is true, in the transfigured bear-gardens of the Bankside, but in those enchanted taverns, islanded and bastioned by the protective decree - IDIOTA, INSULSUS, TRISTIS, TURPIS, ABESTO.

The pawnbroker had also sold him a limited but fairly effective disguise: gray hair, spectacles, mouth wadding, plastic buckteeth which subtly transfigured his lip line.

He spliced in the extra Amps and laid back and was at once in a gossamer finespun holotime of delight and transfigured brassy radiance.

Ron was giving him funny looks all the way down, and he reckoned that if he had to, he could transfigure himself into a golden griffin and hold Ron off that way.

Only now those chords were transfigured, as though some Parnassian composer were compassionately correcting and magically transmuting the work of a dull pupil.

Men who had been confined to cities, chained to dull and humdrum toils, stagnating in the noisy haunts, sore and sick and deflated, standing for some impossible end, when let loose in the grey, iron-walled barrens of the desert were caught by a subtle and insidious enchantment that transfigured some, made beasts of most, and mysteriously bound all.

Her face, radiant, transfigured, was turned to the north, where, glittering under the westward sun, the sunny waters of the Vlaie sparkled between green reeds and rushes.

Forgot his dawns and far-flushed afterglows, His green garlands and windy eyots forgot, The old Father-River flows, His watchfires cores of menace in the gloom, As he came oozing from the Pit, and bore, Sunk in his filthily transfigured sides, Shoals of dishonoured dead to tumble and rot In the squalor of the universal shore: His voices sounding through the gruesome air As from the Ferry where the Boat of Doom With her blaspheming cargo reels and rides: The while his children, the brave ships, No more adventurous and fair, Nor tripping it light of heel as home-bound brides, But infamously enchanted, Huddle together in the foul eclipse, Or feel their course by inches desperately, As through a tangle of alleys murder-haunted, From sinister reach to reach out--out--to sea.

In that transfiguring radiance, the peaks and scarps of the Glass Mountains here above the sea flung back the sunset in banners and pennons of wild glory.

Look how the liberal and transfiguring air Washes this inn of memorable meetings, This centre of ravishments and gracious greetings, Till, through its jocund loveliness of length A tidal-race of lust from shore to shore, A brimming reach of beauty met with strength, It shines and sounds like some miraculous dream, Some vision multitudinous and agleam, Of happiness as it shall be evermore!