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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trachea \Tra"che*a\, n.; pl. Trache[ae]. [NL.,from L. trachia, Gr. trachei^a (sc. ? windpipe), from ? rough, rugged: cf. F. trach['e]e.]

  1. (Anat.) The windpipe. See Illust. of Lung.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) One of the respiratory tubes of insects and arachnids.

  3. (Bot.) One of the large cells in woody tissue which have spiral, annular, or other markings, and are connected longitudinally so as to form continuous ducts.


n. (en-irregular plural of: trachea)


n. (context obsolete English) (en-irregular plural of: trachea)

  1. n. membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi [syn: windpipe]

  2. one of the tubules forming the respiratory system of most insects and many arachnids

  3. [also: tracheae (pl)]


See trachea

Usage examples of "tracheae".

Surrounding it, the tons of organs: the nervous system, the mighty heart, or hearts, the four stomachs, the microwave and longwave generators, the kidneys, bowels, tracheae, scent and taste organs, the perfume factory which made odors to attract animals and birds close enough to be seized, and the huge womb.

Nitschke, in about a quarter of an hour, owing to their tracheae being closed by the secretion.