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The Collaborative International Dictionary

torture \tor"ture\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. tortured (t[^o]r"t[-u]rd; 135); p. pr. & vb. n. tTorturing.] [Cf. F. Torturer. ]

  1. To put to torture; to pain extremely; to harass; to vex.

  2. To punish with torture; to put to the rack; as, to torture an accused person.

  3. To wrest from the proper meaning; to distort.
    --Jar. Taylor.

  4. To keep on the stretch, as a bow. [Obs.]

    The bow tortureth the string.


vb. (en-past of: torture)

  1. adj. subjected to intense pain; "hundreds of tortured prisoners"

  2. experiencing intense pain especially mental pain; "an anguished conscience"; "a small tormented schoolboy"; "a tortured witness to another's humiliation" [syn: anguished, tormented]

Tortured (film)

Tortured is a 2008 crime thriller film written and directed by Nolan Lebovitz and starring Cole Hauser, Laurence Fishburne, and James Cromwell. It was released direct-to-DVD in the U.S. on September 16, 2008. The movie was filmed in Canada, in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Usage examples of "tortured".

Off Arraa, in her full-power trials, bows lifting out of the water, stern dug in like a hydroplane, vibrating in every Clyde-built rivet, and with the tortured, seething water boiling whitely ten feet above the level of the poop-deck, she had covered the measured mile at an incredible 39.

On the fathometer and on the roiled viewscreen in front of him, the bottom of the ocean met the ramparts of the old volcano in a solid wall of tortured lava!

She listened only to Jennan's tortured breathing, to the missing throb in his suit's purifying system and the sucking of the overloaded cooling unit.

Had the 732 turned her tortured mind on the grim world and urged thousands to die in expiation for the death of her beloved?

He heard the screech of tortured servos fighting against the pull of Core power.

A touch will ease the tortured mind, the fevered body, the twisted limb, the blurred sight.

He tilted his head up, as if the blank ceiling might give him back a clue to the tortured reasoning of a dying Crystal Singer.

Before Killashandra's eyes rose the vision of tortured architecture coping with "natural formations" so as not to rape" the Natural World.

Its plasglas canopy gave her an unobstructed view of the City in its tortured sprawl as she was driven sedately down from the Conservatory prominence.

Was this the part where the pirates got her off alone and tortured her?

Not the confused and tortured mindlessness the Pern colonists left behind.

Something heavy and furry was being hauled across his tortured legs and away!

He could hardly call the vivid scenes that had tortured him dreams, and his awakening was as much a protest against them as against the intrusive rhythms.

This frightening situation was hard enough to comprehend without being tortured by thoughts of being lost to him.

The Smith must be tortured with the yearning to dismantle the instrument and examine the principles of its simple efficiency.