Crossword clues for tiniest
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Tiny \Ti"ny\, a. [Compar. Tinier; superl. Tiniest.] Very small; little; puny.
When that I was and a little tiny boy.
a. 1 (en-superlativetiny) 2 The smallest of three or more objects
adj. very small; "diminutive in stature"; "a lilliputian chest of drawers"; "her petite figure"; "tiny feet"; "the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy" [syn: bantam, diminutive, lilliputian, midget, petite, flyspeck]
See tiny
Usage examples of "tiniest".
There may have been a micro-timing device, totally destroyed by the explosion, but more likely it was the sort of explosive which can be set off by the tiniest sharp jarring.
The blue gem would blossom into flames with the tiniest jar, the slightest sudden movement, she was absolutely convinced.
The tiniest little mechanical click made her think of a robot, which, as far as she was concerned, was ample reason not to use the things.
Once the sap became syrup, it had to be filtered to remove even the tiniest specks of grit.
I transferred my feeling for the Object onto Jerome and it was amazing how it worked: the tiniest bit of truth made credible the greatest lies.
He learned to stain all kinds of bacilli with different colored dyes, so that the very tiniest microbe would stand out clearly.
Half way across the inside of it was a screen, from top to bottom, a fine-meshed screen that the tiniest mosquito found it impossible to fly through.
The tiniest deviation from any of these evolutionary shifts, and you might now be licking algae from cave walls or lolling walruslike on some stony shore or disgorging air through a blowhole in the top of your head before diving sixty feet for a mouthful of delicious sandworms.
August of 2001 it arrived at Earth in the form of a puff of radiance, the tiniest brightening, in the night sky.
The problem is that such changes are much too small to make the tiniest detectable difference to us.
Here stood the moon goddess his men whispered of, the enchantress of the night that none could withstand, a sensuous combination of muscle and taut skin, the tiniest of waists sloping into the seductive curve of supple buttocks and long slender legs.
What if the spectators who last summer gazed with just pride upon the noble port of Plymouth, its vast breakwater spanning the Sound, its arsenals and docks, its two estuaries filled with gallant ships, and watched the great screw-liners turning within their own length by force invisible, or threading the crowded fleets with the ease of the tiniest boat,--what if, by some magic turn, the nineteenth century, and all the magnificence of its wealth and science, had vanished--as it may vanish hereafter--and they had found themselves thrown back three hundred years into the pleasant summer days of 1588?
Before I could sing the tiniest little note, he landed his boat and disappeared into the woods without even saying goodbye.
I could ask anything of him and all I asked for was the tiniest little portion of his horn.
A world where Eleanor had lived for many years but that now looked like an alien planet to her dusty bloodshot eyes, and where she had just been given the tiniest of handholds.