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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ These valleys well below timberline are dusty already, even though it is early spring.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1867, from timber + line (n.).


alt. The height or limit beyond which trees do not grow in mountainous or arctic regions. n. The height or limit beyond which trees do not grow in mountainous or arctic regions.


n. line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudes [syn: timber line, tree line]


A timberline or timber line is a tree line, the edge of a habitat at which trees are capable of growing. The term may also refer to:

Usage examples of "timberline".

He almost reached timberline - but there the weather changed, a damp fog enveloped him, and he spent a couple of hours shivering all alone in a smelly shippon, waiting for the whirling mists to uncover the sun once more.

Few of the scattered crags and none of the passes rose above the timberline in this stretch of the Divide, but the juniper and pine thinned out to where the moonlight lit up plenty of open shortgrass, and Longarm was pleased to see they were making good time, considering he was riding strange ridges with no map but the more familiar stars up yonder.

She and Gamaliel had quickly descended from the sharp, windswept peak where the standing stone had transported them, moving below the timberline and into the vast, silent stands of fir and pine that blanketed the slopes of the mountain.

It was high summer in the mountains called the Hellers, and there should have been no storms except for the never-ending snow flurries on the far heights above the timberline, and the rare savage thunderstorms that swooped down across the valleys, bouncing from peak to peak and leaving flattened trees and sometimes fire in the path of their lightnings.

I figured a couple of ways to bust out, but knew I'd have Timberline and all them others chasing me.

The hard ride hadn’t been easy on the two dudes, who weren’t accustomed either to riding or to the increasingly thin air as the trail climbed toward timberline.

A pale gray bald patch loomed high up in the middle of it, like a rock above timberline.

He could keep under cover part of the way, and much of the part above timberline was invisible from below.