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n. Any bacillus that is capable of metabolising sulfur, especially members of the genus ''Thiobacillus''


n. small rod-shaped bacteria living in sewage or soil and oxidizing sulfur


Thiobacillus is a genus of Gram-negative Betaproteobacteria. Thiobacilus thioparus is the type species of the genus.

Usage examples of "thiobacillus".

Against the vibrant, ultraviolet background of the nutritive culture, the aggregation of Thiobacillus glowed brilliantly from their treatment with the acridine orange stain.

But in uranium and radium mines with a low-to-marginal lode yield, Thiobacillus is being used with increasing regularity.

The previous evening he had separated the Thiobacillus from the rest of the samples, then decanted the cells into a series of petri dishes with a variety of food sources.

The Thiobacillus survive only within the water heated by our radiation source, right?

Junko tinkered with the new computer long into the evening while Garner continued his experiments using the Ulva culture and the Thiobacillus collected by Medusa.

Eventually we identified it using a single, obscure reference in the literature to Thiobacillus univerra ferrooxidans.

That clear one like a rice grain is a chemolithotroph, Thiobacillus denitrificans.