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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ By the end of the day everyone was getting a little testy.
▪ He was testy during media day Tuesday and cut his session off after 15 minutes.
▪ Instead of handing over the test, the testy proctor grabbed the gun.
▪ Oh, a little testy this morning, are we?
▪ The tired theatrics of Super Bowl week have begun and players on both teams are getting a little testy.
▪ The two men enjoy the testy togetherness of married partners.
▪ Yet the press conferences introducing these models were often testy affairs.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Testy \Tes"ty\, a. [Compar. Testier; superl. Testiest.] [OF. testu obstinate, headstrong, F. t[^e]tu, fr. OF. teste the head, F. t[^e]te. See Test a cupel.] Fretful; peevish; petulant; easily irritated.

Must I observe you? must I stand and crouch Under your testy humor?

I was displeased with myself; I was testy.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "impetuous, rash," altered from Middle English testif "headstrong" (late 14c.), from Anglo-French testif, Old French testu (Modern French têtu) "stubborn, headstrong, obstinate," literally "heady," from teste "head" (see tete). Meaning "easily irritated, irascible" is first recorded 1520s. Related: Testily; testiness.


a. 1 Easily annoyed, irritable. 2 Marked by impatience or ill humor.

  1. adj. easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen" [syn: cranky, fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peevish, peckish, pettish, petulant, tetchy, techy]

  2. [also: testiest, testier]

Usage examples of "testy".

She had enough to occupy her mind without speculating over terms of address between an eccentric billionaire and his testy legal advisor.

Holt Hamilton and his testy attorney left Zoe feeling uneasy and disturbed.

He is testy as hell where you and I are concerned, add to that the publicity our marriage has stirred up, and you have a powder keg ready to explode.

Handy was growing testy and would start making nonnegotiable ultimatums.

But Mervyn was a somewhat testy old gentleman, and had a certain pride of his own, which was not to be trifled with.

The East River is running level with it, its testy new edge, white and scummy, has begun to snake across the merge.

The Major is a testy, pompous specimen of the retired army officer, and takes himself very seriously.

Jay sounded testy, but this morning she could hear clearly the concern in his voice.

The barks were still testy, but did not carry quite as sharp-edged a tone as those which had replied to Brian.

Lord Diegan presented his requisition orders, he was met with testy exasperation.

No telly, thank God, though Mal was testier than usual and did not invite his mother to bring out her pictures.

She became testier as the hours lengthened, pacing the lip of the pit, her hands entwined in the small of her back.

Today, however, the subject of the takeover of Canrifwas making him testier than usual.

As he spoke his voice grew testier and more commanding: the sorcerer was like crab grass, too mean and stubborn to be squelched for long.

As my father listened, he thought that the trial of Tony Calabrese was a good thing for every small town to go through and he found himself silently cheering for the embattled teacher as the mood of the courtroom grew testier and more hostile.