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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Territoriality \Ter`ri*to`ri*al"i*ty\ n. (Zool.) a pattern of behavior characterized by the marking and defense of a home territory, exhibited by certain male animals.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"possession and control of territory," 1839, as a concept in international law, from territorial + -ity. From 1941 in reference to animal behavior.


n. 1 The fact or legal status of being a territory. 2 (context zoology English) The pattern of behaviour in animals that defines and defends a territory. 3 A pattern of human behaviour characterised by defence of a particular territory or area of interest.


n. the behavior of a male animal that defines and defends its territory

Territoriality (nonverbal communication)

Territoriality is a term associated with nonverbal communication that refers to how people use space to communicate ownership or occupancy of areas and possessions. The anthropological concept branches from the observations of animal ownership behaviors. Personal space can be regarded as a bubble with a person at the center, forming an area which the person does not wish to be invaded.

An example of demonstrating territoriality might be the car size. Driving a large truck like the Ford F350 might be communicating that a value of owning a lot of space on the highway. However, driving a small car like the Smart, then might be communicating no need to occupy so much space. Another example is students as they sit in class. Some students like to spread their backpack and books out in a way to let other students know that they do not want others to sit next to them. These students seem to value having a lot of space to themselves. On the other hand, some students keep their books and bags close to them, making others aware that they have no problem in sharing space with other students.

The term stimulated Edward T. Hall to create the word proxemics, which refers to how people use space, but not necessarily how people communicate ownership .

Usage examples of "territoriality".

Seabirds cried possessive calls of territoriality, warning others of their kind to keep away from private nesting niches, chiseled in the steep bluffs overlooking Grange Head harbor.

At least the nuclear winter freed our race from that sort of territoriality.