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tenor voice

n. the adult male singing voice above baritone [syn: tenor]

Usage examples of "tenor voice".

She had waited so long to be in his arms, to hear his rich and pleasant tenor voice, and the sort of nonsense he was likely to speak.

It was Peccadillo's part of a duet of three hours earlier, but sung without music and in a tenor voice of such tone and purity that the kettle dropped out of Agnes's hand and spilled cold water over her feet.

Petiron was always bemoaning the loss of any good tenor voice, and Merelan entertained the wry hope that Robie might end up in the tenor range as an adult.

I know youre out there, a tenor voice called, but its getting dark, and mistakes can happen in the dark.

His tenor voice was gentler than his strong-jawed face, almost soft.