n. (context pathology English) A disorder of the tendons.
Tendinopathy refers to a disease of a tendon. The clinical presentation includes tenderness on palpation and pain, often when exercising or with movement.
Three terms have evolved in the medical terminology to refer to injuries that cause tendon pain:
- Tendinitis - acute tendon injury accompanied by inflammation
- Tendinosis - chronic tendon injury with degeneration at the cellular level and no inflammation
- Tendinopathy - chronic tendon injury with no implication about etiology
Tendon injuries arise from a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors; acute tendon injuries may be predominantly caused by extrinsic factors, whereas in overuse syndromes as in the case of tendinopathy it may be caused by multifactorial combinations of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. An example of an intrinsic factor for tendinopathies are: poor biomechanics such as limb malalignments and hyperpronation that may cause increased traction loads acting on the foot and ankle that may increase the incidence of Achilles, flexor hallucis longus muscle, and tibialis posterior muscle tendinopathies.