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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The temporal changes in segmental expression and anatomical variation induced by retinoic acid are summarized in Fig. 4.
▪ For it is the most general parameter which governs the processes of temporal change that constitute laws of nature.
▪ This is consistent with structuration as suggested above - spatial expansion is used in an attempt to avoid insitu temporal change.
▪ Several appropriate datasets are being examined for further temporal changes.
▪ It all centres around a part of the brain called the medial temporal lobe.
▪ The loss of consciousness results from the epileptic process involving hippocampal regions of the medial temporal lobes.
▪ Much less severe memory deficits are sometimes seen after removal of the temporal lobe on only one side.
▪ Maybe only several dozen, judging from some of the work on temporal lobe neurons involved in face recognition.
▪ Automatisms can originate from almost anywhere in the temporal lobe, but seldom from any other part of the brain.
▪ All the phenomena to be described under the section Complex Partial Seizures strongly suggest a temporal lobe origin.
▪ I notice George lightly touching the temporal lobe, exploring for scar tissue once more.
▪ The front of the temporal lobe is thought to be involved with storing biographical information and proper names.
▪ Young children may well appreciate this before they have sorted out the relation between connective, mode, and temporal order.
▪ Consequently, in the intentional mode, there is a complex relationship between causal direction and temporal order.
▪ It explained the pope's temporal power over the city of Rome and the surrounding areas.
▪ The Church and democracy had fought a war for temporal power, the Church had lost, and the antagonism lingered.
▪ The use of then in 18 seems to introduce a final action in a temporal sequence of actions.
▪ Hearing people distorted the temporal sequence much more than did deaf people, with bilinguals coming somewhere between.
▪ Our physical bodies are just a temporal, passing reality.
▪ The Emperor was both a temporal and a spiritual ruler.
▪ Despite their different temporal and geographical foci, several defining research questions have remained the same.
▪ George once had a patient who heard Led Zeppelin music each time a particular temporal lobe site was stimulated.
▪ It all centres around a part of the brain called the medial temporal lobe.
▪ It did not imitate the variability of the secular rulers who thought only of temporal gain.
▪ Sometimes the hallucinations associated with small seizures in the temporal lobe have characteristics suggestive of schizophrenic thought, especially paranoia.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Temporal \Tem"po*ral\, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempora the temples: cf. F. temporal. See Temple a part of the head.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the temple or temples; as, the temporal bone; a temporal artery.

Temporal bone, a very complex bone situated in the side of the skull of most mammals and containing the organ of hearing. It consists of an expanded squamosal portion above the ear, corresponding to the squamosal and zygoma of the lower vertebrates, and a thickened basal petrosal and mastoid portion, corresponding to the periotic and tympanic bones of the lower vertebrates.


Temporal \Tem"po*ral\, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempus, temporis, time, portion of time, the fitting or appointed time: cf. F. temporel. Cf. Contemporaneous, Extempore, Temper, v. t., Tempest, Temple a part of the head, Tense, n., Thing.]

  1. Of or pertaining to time, that is, to the present life, or this world; secular, as distinguished from sacred or eternal.

    The things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
    --2 Cor. iv. 18.

    Is this an hour for temporal affairs?

  2. Civil or political, as distinguished from ecclesiastical; as, temporal power; temporal courts.

    Lords temporal. See under Lord, n.

    Temporal augment. See the Note under Augment, n.

    Syn: Transient; fleeting; transitory.


Temporal \Tem"po*ral\, n. Anything temporal or secular; a temporality; -- used chiefly in the plural.

He assigns supremacy to the pope in spirituals, and to the emperor or temporals.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "worldly, secular;" also "terrestrial, earthly; temporary, lasting only for a time," from Old French temporal "earthly," and directly from from Latin temporalis "of a time, but for a time, temporary," from tempus (genitive temporis) "time, season, proper time or season," of unknown origin. Related: Temporally.


Etymology 1 a. 1 Of or relating to time. 2 Of limited time; not perpetual. 3 Of or relating to the material world, as opposed to (term: spiritual). 4 last a short time only. 5 Civil or political, as distinguished from ecclesiastical. n. (context chiefly in the plural English) Anything temporal or secular; a temporality. Etymology 2

a. of the temples of the head n. 1 (context skeleton English) Either of the bones on the side of the skull, near the ears. 2 Any of a reptile's scales on the side of the head between the parietal and supralabial scales, and behind the postocular scales.

  1. adj. not eternal; "temporal matters of but fleeting moment"- F.D.Roosevelt

  2. of or relating to or limited by time; "temporal processing"; "temporal dimensions"; "temporal and spacial boundaries"; "music is a temporal art"

  3. of or relating to the temples (the sides of the skull behind the orbit); "temporal bone"

  4. of the material world; "temporal possessions of the church"

  5. concerned with secular rather than sacred matters; "lords temporal and spiritual" [syn: worldly]

  6. of this earth or world; "temporal joys"; "our temporal existence"


n. the semantic role of the noun phrase that designating the time of the state or action denoted by the verb [syn: temporal role]


Temporal can refer to time, or to material existence and secularity, or to the temple in anatomy. Below is a list of possible uses.

Temporal (Love Spirals Downwards album)

Temporal is a collection of music by Love Spirals Downwards, an ethereal wave band on the US record label, Projekt Records. It includes several previously unreleased songs.

Temporal (video game)

Temporal is a freeware videogame featuring platform and puzzle elements. The game was developed by Oren Bartal using the Allegro library.

Temporal (Isis album)

Temporal is a compilation album by American post-metal band Isis, containing various demo recordings, unreleased tracks and remixes from throughout the band's history. It was released on November 6, 2012, by Ipecac. The compilation includes demos and alternate versions of songs from Oceanic, Panopticon and Wavering Radiant. It also features songs originally from Sawblade EP and Melvins / Isis. The compilation also includes a DVD of all the band's music videos. This is their second release since their dissolution in 2010.

Temporal (band)

Temporal are an Australian metal band from Perth. The band formed in late 2010 through brothers Anthony and Stephen Santoro and guitarist Urvin Seeburuth.

After a few lineup changes resulting in the addition of Scott Mcmullen (vocals) and Michael Barr (bass) the band recorded their debut release "Persecution" with Singaporean producer Roland Lim ( Make Them Suffer, Birds of Tokyo, Dyscord).

The single was released on 1 March 2012, receiving positive reviews and peaking at #22 on the Triple J Unearthed Charts.

The band recorded their EP Exitium with Roland Lim during September 2012. The album was officially released through Bandcamp on 6 December. The EP peaked at number 5 on the Australian Metal Charts on iTunes

Usage examples of "temporal".

We will know which gene we have to perturb with what, or which sequences of genes we have to perturb in what temporal order, to guide the differentiation of a cancer cell to nonmalignant behavior or to apoptosis, or to guide the regeneration of some tissue.

But the Christian sanctuary was open to every ambitious candidate, who aspired to its heavenly promises or temporal possessions.

Objection 1: It would seem that temporal nativity is not to be attributed to Christ.

When the first time machine arrived in the Kingdom of Frank, in the Land of Dam, its temporal skip had been slightly greater than the one Brewster himself had experienced, so as a result, it had not materialized in the same place.

In fact, you can see them: bumblebees or bristlecone pines, inhabiting temporal planes that barely intersect our own.

Through-and-through laceration from both mouth corners across masseter muscles, extending through temporal mandibula joints upward to both earlobes.

In the law of real property, its rules of tenure and descents, its entails, its fines and recoveries, their vouchers and double vouchers, in the procedure of the Courts, the method of bringing writs and arrests, the nature of actions, the rules of pleading, the law of escapes and of contempt of court, in the principles of evidence, both technical and philosophical, in the distinction between the temporal and spiritual tribunals, in the law of attainder and forfeiture, in the requisites of a valid marriage, in the presumption of legitimacy, in the learning of the law of prerogative, in the inalienable character of the Crown, this mastership appears with surprising authority.

Worse, he thought shiftable hodiechrons and temporal oscillation were entirely plausible, and when she told him she thought Max was having some kind of midlife crisis, Dr.

The inner projection of the temporal bone is known as the petrous process.

Time, as she shouldand that hunk of anti-matter will precess in the opposite temporal direction.

He had experienced the uncanny sensation of temporal disorientation when the precessing gyroscopes slowed, ceased to precess.

The thin, high whine of the Mannschenn Drive Unit deepened as the spinning, precessing gyroscopes slowed to a halt, and as they did so there came the nauseating dizziness of temporal disorientation.

Drive as the precessing gyroscopes slowed to a stop, experienced the inevitable sense of temporal disorientation.

He could imagine those shining rotors starting to turn, spinning faster and faster, spinning, precessing at right angles to all the dimensions of normal space, tumbling through the dark infinities, dragging the ship and all aboard her with them as the temporal precession field built up.

The patient recovered her general health, but with almost total loss of hair, only a few red, white, and black hairs remaining on the occipital and temporal regions.