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a. (en-superlativeteeny)

  1. adj. (used informally) very small; "a wee tot" [syn: bitty, bittie, teensy, teentsy, wee, weeny, weensy, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy]

  2. [also: teeniest, teenier]


See teeny

Usage examples of "teeniest".

The boxed advertisement went on at some length in the teeniest print imaginable, listing their products, which included: asphalt, lumber, lumite, mesh, polyethylene, steel haulers, vinyl-coated polyester, vinyl laminates, tarps, welding curtains, screens, blankets, roll systems, and drop cloths.

A minuscule vexation, like the teeniest lump of raw liver sticking to the inside of my boot.

The most expensive garment she had ever bought before or since, the dress was slim-fitting, long to the calf, where it kicked out with a flirty hem of black, and just the teeniest tease of red lace showing beneath.

Her head moved the teeniest bit to the left, then to the right, and Colin could easily picture her face, her dark eyes darting in either direction as she checked the room for other people.