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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teem \Teem\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Teemed; p. pr. & vb. n. Teeming.] [OE. temen, AS. t[=e]man, t?man, from te['a]m. See Team.]

  1. To bring forth young, as an animal; to produce fruit, as a plant; to bear; to be pregnant; to conceive; to multiply.

    If she must teem, Create her child of spleen.

  2. To be full, or ready to bring forth; to be stocked to overflowing; to be prolific; to abound.

    His mind teeming with schemes of future deceit to cover former villainy.
    --Sir W. Scott.

    The young, brimful of the hopes and feeling which teem in our time.
    --F. Harrison.


vb. (en-past of: teem)

Usage examples of "teemed".

The Drasnian capital was one of the major commercial centers of the world, and the streets teemed with men of all races.

The square teemed with merchants and citizens, all dressed in varicolored, loose‑fitting robes that hung to their heels.

The seas of Pern teemed with aquatic life, and at least a few of the species could be safely consumed by humans.

It also teemed with grub life that burrowed away from the sudden exposure to air and light.

The crowd teemed thickly along Coward's Cross, the shortest route to Browall, but they parted, making a narrow way for the soldiers.

The turbulent air teemed with a whirling potion of tents, wagons, horses, flecks of supplies, timber, dismembered catapults.

They teemed around the ruins of the Arches, the debris of the houses along Convocator's Row.

Myrcians teemed in a hundred streets and alleys leading to the Sanctor's Grace.

Every dock teemed with sailors loading provisions, and every inn was packed with soldiers dicing or drinking or looking for a whore .

The lake teemed with fresh fish, but they had nothing to catch them with.

Their children were everywhere underfoot, and the yard teemed with their cows, sheep, and chickens.