n. a school teaching mechanical and industrial arts and the applied sciences [syn: tech]
Technical school is a general term used for a two-year college that provides mostly employment-preparation skills for trained labor, such as welding, culinary arts and office management.
Usage examples of "technical school".
His particular school was known as Technical School #77 for Industrial Economy.
I got links to the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, the Waffen-SS Training School at Konitz, Nazi Regalia for sale, Subsystems Sample Display Technology, South Shore Vocational-Technical School, Optical VariTemp Cryostat Systems, Solid Surfacing Veneer Tiles for home floors, a band called SlingshotVenus, the Swiss Shooting Federation—.
In England, in the de Havilland Technical School where I served for five years, do not put a Cross up in the hangar, and I run this in the way that I was taught.
I got links to the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, the Waffen-SS Training School at Konitz, Nazi Regalia for sale, Subsystems Sample Display Technology, South Shore Vocational-Technical School, Optical VariTemp Cryostat Systems, Solid Surfacing Veneer Tiles for home floors, a band called SlingshotVenus, the Swiss Shooting Federation-and it went downhill from there.
I may never have gone any further than one year of vocational- technical school, but I'm no fucking barbarian.
Why, there wasn't even a university, not even a major technical school - nothing better than a privately financed business school in Port Mey from which the government already skimmed the cream of the graduates.
Universities were always a good bet, but this Station had only a technical school and a two-year arts school.