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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And yes, those teamster pensions are really great.
▪ Look at the teamster on the highway, wending to market by day or night; does any divinity stir within him?
▪ One teamster was run over by his own wagon.
▪ The example of the teamster has already been mentioned.
▪ They pulled and heaved under the prodding and loud yelling of the teamster who tried to coordinate them.
▪ Trumpets sounded, drums beat, whips cracked, mules squealed, and teamsters cursed.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Teamster \Team"ster\, n. One who drives a team.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"person who drives a team of horses" (especially in hauling freight), 1776, from team (n.) + -ster. Transferred to motor truck drivers by 1907.\n\n\n\n


n. 1 A person who drives a team of animals (such as horses or oxen). 2 (context US English) A person who drives a cargo truck (see Teamster)

  1. n. the driver of a team of horses doing hauling

  2. someone who drives a truck as an occupation [syn: trucker, truck driver]


A teamster, in modern American English, is a truck driver, or a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, a labor union in the United States and Canada.

Originally, the term "teamster" referred to a person who drove a team of draft animals, usually a wagon drawn by oxen, horses, or mules. This term was common by the time of the Mexican–American War (1848) and the Indian Wars throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries on the American frontier.

In other places, a teamster was known as a carter, referring to the bullock cart.

Another name for the occupation was bullwhacker, related to driving oxen. A teamster might also drive pack animals, such as a muletrain, in which case he was also known as a muleteer or muleskinner. Today this person may be called an outfitter or packer. In Australian English, a teamster was also known as a bullocker or bullocky.

Usage examples of "teamster".

Men came out from stores and counting houses, eager to have a hand in forestalling the embargo, and worked, adrip with perspiration, alongside stevedores and wharf rats and seamen and teamsters and farmers.

Ralph Bales mentioned, vaguely, unions and shipping companies and waterfront services and Teamsters.

Until we had accumulated a load of hides, Tiburcio Leal, our teamster, fell to me as partner.

Teamsters wearing Joe Namath satin shirts with Fonz hair styles is another by-product of the newly won control of our neurogenetic brain sequences.

The Teamsters have been picketing against the UAES--the United Alliance of Extras and Stagehands.

Manhattan Simplex Distributing, but rumour had it that using Lou Poller as a front, Lansky had helped the teamsters to take over the Miami National Bank, as recently as 1958.

Only the teamsters and the minstrel Starling seemed to have known when to stop drinking.

Drew the teamster told me what they were saying in town, after Starling told that tale last night.

He was followed in by the boy with his hat, by Bud Strothers and another teamster she knew, and by two strangers.

Apart from soldiers and the teamsters and muleteers and others who serviced the needs of the army, the countryside seemed deserted of all ordinary, unregimented humanity.

Townsmen and merchants on top of their carriages, cavalry officers, bright in their red and gold uniforms, rough teamsters in what passed for formal dress in that level of society, illiterate shepherds from the Randau Basin and befurred mountain folk from the north, sweating in their heavy cloaks.

Since the South Carolinian commander had waited so long, thousands of his troops were forced to rush in all directions, striking their tents and loading wagons served by nervous teamsters.

Hoffa cites the huge number of members the Teamsters have-in Cuyahoga County, in Ohio, and nationwide.

There had been great resistance to arming the Negroes, but there were thousands of freedmen who could be employed as teamsters, railroad workers, thousands of jobs along the lines of supply now held by able-bodied white men the army so desperately needed.

Casper and Popeye, there were twelve people in the bar: the bartender and waitress behind the bar, the two guys on the floor, Lionel, Angie, Ryerson, and me, the two secretaries, and two guys at the end of the bar closest to the entrance, teamsters by the look of them.