Find the word definition


n. 1 (context initialism used as a unit of volume English) (l en thousand) (l en cubic) (l en foot feet) 2 (context initialism used as a unit of volume English) (l en trillion) (l en cubic) (l en foot feet)


TCF can mean:

  • 20th Century Fox, when "Twentieth" is spelled out
  • Shuttle America (feeder airline ICAO code)
  • Target Communication Framework - part of the Eclipse software development platform
  • T-cell factor, a transcription factor; for TCF4 see its main alias TCF7L2
  • TCF Bank
  • TCF Financial Corporation, a financial services holding company which owns TCF Bank
  • The Citizens Foundation, a chain of leading rural educational institutions in Pakistan
  • The Compassionate Friends, an organization of parents who provide grief support to those who have deceased children
  • Technical control facility, a physical plant, or a designated and specially configured part thereof, that contains the equipment necessary for ensuring fast, reliable, and secure exchange of information
  • Technical Cost Framework
  • " Test Card F", the most famous test card used on British television
  • Test de connaissance du français, a French language placement test
  • Thiol Cotton Fiber
  • Thin Client Framework, a programming model
  • Third Coast International Audio Festival
  • Totally Chlorine Free, a form of paper bleaching
  • Touring Club de France
  • "Training Check Function", part of the line testing sequence used for Fax transmissions.
  • Treating Customers Fairly, a set of British Financial Services Authority principles focused on improving customer services for organisations in the Financial Services sector, ensuring that all regulated firms treat their customers fairly.
  • Trenton Computer Festival The longest continuously running computer show in the United States
  • Trillion (10) cubic feet, a measurement commonly used by the oil and gas industry to describe volumes of natural gas
  • Technical Construction File
  • Tor Carding Forum, a market for stolen credit card and related information

Usage examples of "tcf".

Pluto went at the armored door with a couple of heavy sledgehammers and we managed tcf get it opened wide enough for us to be able to squeeze out.