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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Coconuts are being scraped and the juice is squeezed on pounded taro or cassava for puddings.
▪ Rice was their basic food and their most important food crop, far ahead of maize, taro or sago.
▪ The small boy with us is collecting crabs from the swamp; soon he has enough to fill a big taro leaf.
▪ This plant, taro, is more welcome.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Colocasia \Colocasia\ n. a small genus of perennial tuberous herbs of the arum family, of tropical Asia and the Pacific islands, including the taro ( Colocasia esculente).

Syn: genus Colocasia. [WordNet 1.5] ||

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

tropical food plant, 1769, from Polynesian (Tahitian or Maori) taro. Compare Hawaiian kalo.


n. 1 ''Colocasia esculenta'', raised as a food primarily for its corm, which distantly resembles potato. 2 Any of several other species with similar corms and growth habit in ''Colocasia'', ''Alocasia'' etc. 3 Food from a taro plant.

  1. n. edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants [syn: cocoyam, dasheen, eddo]

  2. herb of the Pacific islands grown throughout the tropics for its edible root and in temperate areas as an ornamental for its large glossy leaves [syn: taro plant, dalo, dasheen, Colocasia esculenta]

  3. tropical starchy tuberous root [syn: taro root, cocoyam, dasheen, edda]


Taro (, ) commonly refers to the plant Colocasia esculenta, the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the Araceae family which are used as vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. Thus, this article describes the "dasheen" form of taro; another variety of taro is known as eddoe or Colocasia antiquorum. Other species of taro include giant taro ( Alocasia macrorrhizos), swamp taro ( Cyrtosperma merkusii), and arrowleaf elephant's ear ( Xanthosoma sagittifolium).

Colocasia esculenta is thought to be not native to Southern India and Southeast Asia, but is widely naturalised. It is a perennial, tropical plant primarily grown as a root vegetable for its edible starchy corm, and as a leaf vegetable. It is a food staple in African, Oceanic and South Indian cultures and is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants. Colocasia is thought to have originated in the Indomalaya ecozone, perhaps in East India, Nepal and Bangladesh, and spread by cultivation eastward into Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific Islands; westward to Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean Basin; and then southward and westward from there into East Africa and West Africa, where it spread to the Caribbean and Americas. It is known by many local names and often referred to as "elephant ears" when grown as an ornamental plant.

Taro (department)

Taro was a department of the First French Empire in present-day Italy. It was named after the Taro river. It was formed in 1808, when the Duchy of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla was annexed by France under the Treaty of Lunéville. Its capital was Parma.

The department was disbanded after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814. At the Congress of Vienna, the Duchy was restored and given to Marie Louise, Napoleon's wife. Its territory is now divided between the Italian provinces of Parma and Piacenza.

The most notable person born in the then-Département of Taro was the composer Giuseppe Verdi (born 9 or 10 October 1813 in the village of Le Roncole near Busseto).

Tarō (given name)

, is a stand-alone Japanese given name or a common name suffix for males (literally meaning "eldest son"). Tarō can also be used as a surname.

Taro (river)

The Taro (Latin Tarus) is a river in Emilia-Romagna, in northern Italy. It is a tributary of the Po and is long. It flows almost entirely in the province of Parma, west of the city Parma. The Taro flows into the Po near Gramignazzo, a frazione of the comune of Sissa, north of Parma.

The Val di Taro, or Taro valley, the drainage basin of the river, occupies an area of . The principal affluents of the Taro are the Ceno, Recchio and Stirone; others are the Gotra and Tarodine. Both the Taro and the Ceno rise on Monte Penna, elevation , in the Apennine Mountains on the border between the provinces of Genoa and Parma.

The river shows strong seasonal variability. In summer it can easily dry, while in rainy periods it can reach a discharge of : this value can double on rare occasions, known , "centennial floods", such as that of November 9, 1982.

The Val di Taro was of strategic importance during the Middle Ages, as it was traversed by the Via Francigena, the pilgrim route and main connection between Rome and France in that era.

About of the river course between Fornovo di Taro and Ponte Taro constitutes the protected area of the Parco fluviale Regionale del Taro, the Taro regional natural park. The area of the park includes the river bed itself, with numerous islets of sand and gravel and wetland areas, and surrounding areas of woodland, scrub and cultivated soil; it has a wide variety of vegetation and fauna.

Following the French conquest of Italy in the Napoleonic Wars, the river gave its name to a département, the Département du Taro.

Usage examples of "taro".

Breadfruit and taro are kingly vegetables, the pair of them, though the former is patently a misnomer and more resembles a sweet potato than anything else, though it is not mealy like a sweet potato, nor is it so sweet.

Wulfgar, oblivious to the surroundings and wanting only to return to Tarterus and Catti-brie, came through the Taros Hoop just as Bruenor exited the room.

The native men were employed as occasion demanded, and during the early months of the settlement it was they who did the fishing for the community and searched for the wild products of the island -- plantains, taro, candlenuts for lighting purposes, and the like.

The inhabitants of Kalo possess gardens, where the rich alluvial soil produces a superabundance of coco-nuts, bananas, yams, sweet potatoes, and taro.

The Taros Hoop lay twisted and shattered, a bent frame of worthless iron with a sticky, weblike substance clinging stubbornly in torn patches.

Other vegetable foods are furnished by sweet potatoes, taro, yams, bananas, sugar-cane, and coco-nuts, all of which the natives cultivate.

Among the plants which they cultivate are taro, yams, sweet potatoes, bananas, various kinds of vegetables, and sugar-cane.

Taros, yams, and coco-nuts are also suspended from the scaffold, no doubt for the refreshment of the ghost.

Their staple foods are taro and yams, which they grow in their fields.

Thus, for example, one day while the ghost, blinded by the strong sunlight, is cowering in a dark corner or reposing at full length in the grave, his relatives will set up a low scaffold in a field, cover it with leaves, and pile up over it a mass of the field fruits which belonged to the dead man, so that the whole erection may appear to the eye of the unsuspecting ghost a heap of taro, yams, and so forth, and nothing more.

When darkness has fallen, out comes the ghost and prowling about espies the heap of yams and taro.

Taro would ride through darkness into the hostile territory of neighboring Yoshino Domain.

We rode through the same abandoned pae-paes, but as we neared the sea we found a profusion of cocoanuts, breadfruit trees and taro patches, and fully a dozen grass dwellings.

There were yams, taro, feis, breadfruit, cocoanuts, oranges, limes, pineapples, watermelons, alligator pears, pomegranates, fish, chickens galore crowing and cackling and laying eggs on our decks, and a live pig that squealed infernally and all the time in apprehension of imminent slaughter.

Hu and Te Moa had been appointed cooks, and were already engaged in scraping out pits for two large earth ovens, one for baking the hogs and one for ti roots, yams, taro, and other vegetables.