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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Artificial \Ar`ti*fi"cial\, a. [L. artificialis, fr. artificium: cf. F. artificiel. See Artifice.]

  1. Made or contrived by art; produced or modified by human skill and labor, in opposition to natural; as, artificial heat or light, gems, salts, minerals, fountains, flowers.

    Artificial strife Lives in these touches, livelier than life.

  2. Feigned; fictitious; assumed; affected; not genuine. ``Artificial tears.''

  3. Artful; cunning; crafty. [Obs.]

  4. Cultivated; not indigenous; not of spontaneous growth; as, artificial grasses.

    Artificial arguments (Rhet.), arguments invented by the speaker, in distinction from laws, authorities, and the like, which are called inartificial arguments or proofs.

    Artificial classification (Science), an arrangement based on superficial characters, and not expressing the true natural relations species; as, ``the artificial system'' in botany, which is the same as the Linn[ae]an system.

    Artificial horizon. See under Horizon.

    Artificial light, any light other than that which proceeds from the heavenly bodies.

    Artificial lines, lines on a sector or scale, so contrived as to represent the logarithmic sines and tangents, which, by the help of the line of numbers, solve, with tolerable exactness, questions in trigonometry, navigation, etc.

    Artificial numbers, logarithms.

    Artificial person (Law). See under Person.

    Artificial sines, tangents, etc., the same as logarithms of the natural sines, tangents, etc.


n. (plural of tangent English)

Tangents (collection)

Tangents (ISBN 0-446-51401-2) is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Greg Bear. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications.

This collection, originally published in 1989, includes:

  • Blood Music (later expanded into novel Blood Music)
  • Sleepside Story
  • Webster
  • A Martian Ricorso
  • Dead Run
  • Schrödinger's Plague
  • Through Road no Whither
  • Tangents
  • Sisters
  • The Machineries of Joy

Category:1989 short story collections Category:Short story collections by Greg Bear

Usage examples of "tangents".

Isaac’s tangents paper was in his hand, but he stood still for a few moments, trying to work out where this rat was busy, so that he could come back in daylight and investigate.

He set the tangents paper down on a table and then picked up an iron bar that was lying next to a furnace door for use as a poker.

After a while Isaac would begin to slash straight lines into the gravel, building up a scaffold of rays, perpendiculars, tangents, chords, and normals.

I just reread that Castrato business, and it strikes me that I am probably just one or two twisted tangents away from terminal fusing of the brain circuits.

The Change Speakers modulate all the reality tangents to the plane of our embedding here.

Little globes of sweat were drifting away on a thousand tangents and vanishing as they reached the edges of the cylinder of light.

If Hamilton goes off on one of his tangents, he'll be throwing wrenches in everywhere.