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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
table wine
▪ But no beverage on the planet so perfectly complements dinner as a well-matched, dry table wine.
▪ It wants Brussels to consider bringing some table wine vines into its quality wine scheme.
▪ Like Jefferson, he pursued the dream of producing sound table wine from Eastern soil at affordable prices for the masses.
table wine

n. 1 (context US English) Wine that isn't fortified or sparkling. 2 A low-quality wine, suitable for drinking at mealtimes. 3 (context US standard of identity English) A grape wine containing at most fourteen percent alcohol by volume.

table wine

n. wine containing not more than 14 percent alcohol usually served with a meal

Table wine

Table wine is a wine term with two different meanings: a style of wine and a quality level within wine classification.

In the United States, table wine primarily designates a wine style: ordinary wine which is neither fortified nor sparkling.

In the European Union wine regulations, table wine (TW) is the lower of two overall quality categories, the higher of which is Quality Wines Produced in Specified Regions (QWPSR). All levels of national wine classification systems within the EU correspond to either TW or the QWPSR, although the terms that actually appear on wine labels are defined by national wine laws with the EU regulations as a framework.

Most EU countries have a national classification called table wine in the country's official language. Examples include vin de table in France, vino da tavola in Italy, vino de mesa in Spain, vinho de mesa in Portugal, Tafelwein in Germany, επιτραπέζιος οίνος (epitrapézios oínos) in Greece. These classifications generally represent the lowest level of classification in their country.

Usage examples of "table wine".

Lorn lifts the mug, but barely tastes the cheap red swill that passes for table wine.

Kelly was not a wine connoisseur, but he did know that a decent table wine wasn't supposed to be the color of urine.