The Synthetome neologism refers to all man-made (artificial) genes or genetic products resulting from any genomic operation or research activity. It is thought to have been proposed by Chiliveru S et al.
Liang, et al. claim that recent efforts by the genomic research community to maintain a consistent genomics research approach has improved the effectiveness and accuracy of wet-lab experiments designed to identify drug targets. The gains have come through better utilization of bioinformatic data generated by wet-lab experiments. The effective use of the translated data has contributed to a deeper understanding of the immune response for candidate ( pathogenic and synthetases) genes linked to antigenicity. Protein–protein interaction networks constituting syntheses may be potentially identified as protein co-targets. Such targets were earlier shown to form a class of resistome proteins (often identified in Mycobacterium) that may have the potential to predict the initiation of resistance to pharmacological agents.