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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Synthesist \Syn"the*sist\, n. One who employs synthesis, or who follows synthetic methods.


n. 1 One who synthesizes. 2 A musician who plays a synthesizer.


n. an intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods [syn: synthesizer, synthesiser]

Usage examples of "synthesist".

And for any given problem in science, the people who were actually out there on the edge making progress constituted a special group, of a few hundred at most-often with a core group of synthesists and innovators that was no more than a dozen people in all the worlds-inventing a new jargon of their dialect to convey their new insights, arguing over results, suggesting new avenues of investigation, giving each other jobs in labs, meeting at conferences specially devoted to the topic-talking to each other, in all the media there were.

The compelling logic of the plans for the New Order called automatically for the deaths of the inefficient and sickly control naturals, as well as the deaths of synthesists, recalcitrant geneticists, counterrevolutionaries in general.

More probable was what he'd half-feared when with a flourish of trumpets and a ruffle of drums they declassified Shalmaneser, and he'd foreseen automation making even synthesists obsolete.

As I was saying: way, way back at the beginning I decided I wasn't going to be capable of co-ordinating all these people myself, so I asked for synthesists to link 'em together, but it wasn't until just the other day that Norman got me one.

Of course, without the synthesists, there wouldn’t be much reason for the ordinologists to set to work in the first place, because nobody would have any use for what they do.

And for any given problem in science, the people who were actually out there on the edge making progress constituted a special group, of a few hundred at most—often with a core group of synthesists and innovators that was no more than a dozen people in all the worlds—inventing a new jargon of their dialect to convey their new insights, arguing over results, suggesting new avenues of investigation, giving each other jobs in labs, meeting at conferences specially devoted to the topic—talking to each other, in all the media there were.