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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Synostosis \Syn`os*to"sis\, n. [NL.] Same as Synosteosis.


n. (context medicine English) The abnormal development of a joint.


Synostosis (plural: synostoses) is fusion of two bones. It can be normal in puberty, fusion of the epiphysis, or abnormal. When synostosis is abnormal it is a type of dysostosis.

Examples of synostoses include:

  • craniosynostosis – an abnormal fusion of two or more cranial bones;
  • radioulnar synostosis – the abnormal fusion of the radius and ulna bones of the forearm;
  • tarsal coalition – a failure to separately form all seven bones of the tarsus (the hind part of the foot) resulting in an amalgamation of two bones; and
  • syndactyly – the abnormal fusion of neighboring digits.

Synostosis within joints can cause ankylosis.