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vb. (en-past of: swot)

  1. n. an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or studying excessively [syn: grind, nerd, wonk, dweeb]

  2. [also: swotting, swotted]

  1. v. study intensively, as before an exam; "I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam" [syn: cram, grind away, drum, bone up, get up, mug up, swot up, bone]

  2. [also: swotting, swotted]


See swot

Usage examples of "swotted".

I had swotted up the old classics for my university entrance, had learned passages by heart.

Miles swotted procedures and directed operations with a good cheer that edged toward manic as his helpers became glummer.

Like a vicious boy it had noticed something, swotted it out of pointless malice, and gone its way.