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n. Any qualified majority, specified in advance of a vote, required for the vote to be passed


A supermajority, or a qualified majority, is a requirement for a proposal to gain a specified level of support which is greater than the threshold of one half used for majority.

Related concepts regarding alternatives to the majority vote requirement include a majority of the entire membership and a majority of the fixed membership.

A supermajority can also be specified based on the entire membership or fixed membership rather than on those present and voting.

Parliamentary procedure requires that any action of a deliberative assembly that may alter the rights of a minority has a supermajority requirement, such as a two-thirds vote.

Changes to constitutions, especially those with entrenched clauses, commonly require supermajority support in a legislature.

Usage examples of "supermajority".

Mars, shall propose amendments to this constitution, the proposed amendment shall be Put to a general global vote during the next scheduled global election, and shall require a supermajority of two-thirds to pass.

Mars over 5 m-years old, for a vote of approval or disapproval, and if it receives a supermajority of two-thirds in approval, shall become the supreme law of the planet.

Besides, the Act of Unification had required a supermajority for its original ratification.

The same supermajority would be required for any amendment of the original Act, and there were enough holdouts to put final approval very much up for grabs.

And all he has to do to accomplish that is to prevent me from assembling a big enough supermajority to amend the original Act.