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n. (plural of supercargo English)

  1. n. an officer on a merchant ship in charge of the cargo and its sale and purchase

  2. [also: supercargoes (pl)]


Usage examples of "supercargoes".

He once ran over to me a list of captains and supercargoes with whom he had done business, classing them under three heads: 'He cheat a litty' - 'He cheat plenty' - and 'I think he cheat too much.

He once ran over to me a list of captains and supercargoes with whom he had done business, classing them under three heads: 'He cheat a litty'--'He cheat plenty'--and 'I think he cheat too much.

There is indeed a ministry and staff of males: cook, steward, carpenter, and supercargoes: the hierarchy of a schooner.

The supercargoes, whose business it is to keep tally of the copra at three pounds a month and a percentage, are rarely in the palace.

This was by a mighty plausible fellow, wearing European clothes and speaking excellent English--Tamaiti his name, or, as the whites have now corrupted it, 'Tom White': one of the king's supercargoes at three pounds a month and a percentage, a medical man besides, and in his private hours a wizard.

He had appointed good men as supercargoes: Joel Lilienkamp as surface coordinator, and Desi Arthied on the Yoko.

This was by a mighty plausible fellow, wearing European clothes and speaking excellent English - Tamaiti his name, or, as the whites have now corrupted it, 'Tom White': one of the king's supercargoes at three pounds a month and a percentage, a medical man besides, and in his private hours a wizard.

It seemed to Gundersen that he saw ghosts of those days all about him: figures in tropical khaki carrying messages, supercargoes waving inventory sheets, computer technicians draped in festoons of memory beads, nildoror bearers laden with outgoing produce.