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suicide watch

n. A period of monitoring of someone, especially a prisoner deemed likely to commit suicide, to ensure they do not commit suicide.

Suicide watch

Suicide watch is an intensive monitoring process used to ensure that an individual cannot commit suicide. Usually the term is used in reference to inmates or patients in a prison, hospital, psychiatric hospital, or military bases. Individuals are placed on suicide watch when it is believed that they exhibit warning signs indicating that they may be at risk of committing bodily harm or fatal self injury.

Usage examples of "suicide watch".

Stuart Morris Iversonheld in isolation under a twenty-four-hour-a-day suicide watch at a federal maximum-security prisonwasn't talking.

The voice-over of the newscaster will be saying how the sole survivor of America's latest death cult, the Creedish, is on suicide watch following the tragic string of suicides that one by one have claimed the lives of the remaining cult survivors.

In retrospect, I think it was a spontaneous form of suicide watch, the entire Smith clan instinctively closing ranks around their most vulnerable member.

The DA's office said the High Power lockup featured twenty-four-hour suicide watch and was safe.

Jason was placed on a sixty-day suicide watch, but he never thought of taking his life.

Even better, I'd like to come back and find you-know-who under full guard in a suicide watch cell, ready for questioning.

Yamata wants to take his own life--the honorable way out in their cultural context--but they've got him on suicide watch--not even shoestrings.

Although this was a low-security holding cell, they had a ceiling mounted security camera for suicide watch.

The suicide watch on Soneji was a big deal with the prison higher-ups.