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n. Irregular (plural of stylus nocap=1 English)

  1. n. a sharp pointed device attached to the cartridge of a record player

  2. a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving; "he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus" [syn: style]

  3. [also: styli (pl)]


See stylus

Usage examples of "styli".

Note pads and styli appeared as though by magic, but Furth shook his head and indicated they were not needed.

She learned to write with styli on tablets of wax on wood, and with ink made of soot and a pen of metal.

Some were using machines made of teksin, others worked with styli and slates.

In one corner she could see a writing desk, with sheets of parchment spread over it, and various writing implements: styli, reed pens, writing canes, quills, brushes.

He continued until he was very near, and when he discovered that no force field blocked his way he passed among the styli and began to climb the steep stair on its forward face.

Inkwells spilled, always across important parchments, quill points broke and styli slipped on waxboards to mar whole columns of figures.

In films, such a desk is usually covered with items: a primitive telephone, a keypad and monitor, family flat photos, styli, and so on.