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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Strop \Strop\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stropped; p. pr. & vb. n. Stropping.] To draw over, or rub upon, a strop with a view to sharpen; as, to strop a razor.


vb. (en-past of: strop)

  1. n. a leather strap used to sharpen razors

  2. [also: stropping, stropped]

  1. v. sharpen on a strop; "strop razors"

  2. [also: stropping, stropped]


See strop

Usage examples of "stropped".

What I saw in the mirror looked pretty sorry, so I stropped my razor on a leather belt, then shaved.

Maggie and Davis' favorite kitten, Morgen, stropped the chief's legs before joining the others lined up along the feeding trough.

Morgen, the cat, came up, stropped her body along the bag, back and forth, several times.

Koko stropped his jaw on the newel post, his tiny ivory tusks clicking against the ancient mahogany.

He walked to the Morris chair and stropped his jaw on its square corners.

While he gave his last orders to his commanders, he stropped the edge of the blue sword.

While Oudeman held its head, and Richter and Le Riche stropped their knives on a rock, Koots checked the flint and priming in his pistol.

Two stropped the blades of their skinning knives while the others rolled the boar on to its back and held all four legs widely separated to make the job of the skinners easier.

Her eyes were sharp as a stropped razor, but the skin around them was clear and fresh as rose petals without the first sign of wrinkling.

Zouga stood up to carve the roast and while he stropped the hunting knife against steel, he glanced at Ralph who still lingered on the verandah.

The armourer honed the top few inches of the backblade, then stropped the work on his thick leather apron.