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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stratocracy \Stra*toc"ra*cy\, n. [Gr. ? an army + -cracy, as in democracy: cf. F. stratocratie.] A military government; government by military chiefs and an army.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"government by the army, military government," 1650s, from comb. form of Greek stratos "army, encamped army" (see strategy) + -cracy.


n. A military government.


A stratocracy (from στρατός, stratos, " army" and κράτος, kratos, "dominion", "power") is a form of government headed by military chiefs. It is not the same as a military dictatorship or military junta where the military's political power is not enforced or even supported by other laws. Rather, stratocracy is a form of military government in which the state and the military are traditionally or constitutionally the same entity, and government positions are always occupied by commissioned officers and military leaders. Citizens with mandatory or voluntary military service, or who have been honorably discharged, have the right to elect or govern. The military's political power is supported by law, the constitution, and the society. A stratocracy therefore is more often a meritocracy and does not have to be autocratic by nature in order to preserve its right to rule.