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n. (plural of strategy English)

Usage examples of "strategies".

Combining their armies and strategies, the pass was guarded as never before, and the three fiefs could respond faster and stronger to any threat of Shinyar invaders.

Once we arrive in the country, we might discover that the reality was quite different from what we had expected, requiring us to reformulate plans, strategies, and possibly even goals to conform to what we encounter.

Simultaneously, the popular response to the terrorist attacks has made the strategies inherent in the more hawkish positions feasible in a way that they never were before, because the American people were never willing to make the sacrifices necessary to devote serious resources and political capital to the toppling of Saddam.

He had pored over the reports and strategies that Matthew collected, giving particular attention to a recent Harvard Business School study that described a phenomenon with which every successful company must eventually contend.

I have very different styles and strategies, which is positioning you, the executive staff and board of directors, in the middle of our discord.

McCullough brings order to the mighty tangle of battles and political strategies of ancient heavy weights-in the Forum Romanum or the tents of war.

The table was already littered with papers marked with lead and charcoal: strategies and plans and lists.

At dawn he was still awake, discussing strategies with the Barracks Masters whose youngsters he had called upon.

It galled him that the man had a protective amulet, not because he feared his pitiful strategies but merely because he always enjoyed the fear and rising panic that swelled from the emotions of an enemy facing defeat.

His postings since then had contained ever more elaborate and authoritative critiques of both the technology and the security strategies which depended on it.

The prey species had come to terms with the formidable presence that lived amongst them: with their armor or weapons or evasive strategies, each of the hunted had reached a point where their losses to predators were not a threat to the endurance of the herd.

Thus, American negotiators got a leg up by discovering the strategies and arguing points of the other players.