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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Straightforward \Straight`for"ward\, a. Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating; honest; frank. -- adv. In a straightforward manner. -- Straight`for"ward*ly, adv. -- Straight`for"ward*ness, n.


n. The state or quality of being straightforward.

  1. n. the quality of being direct and straightforward; "what some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness" [syn: downrightness]

  2. without hypocrisy; "the singleness of his motives could not be questioned" [syn: singleness]

Usage examples of "straightforwardness".

Indeed it is not in the public interest that straightforwardness should be extirpated root and branch, for the presence of a small modicum of sincerity acts as a wholesome irritant to the academicism of the greatest number, stimulating it to consciousness of its own happy state, and giving it something to look down upon.

And suddenly I rejoiced in the great security of the sea as compared with the unrest of the land, in my choice of that untempted life presenting no disquieting problems, invested with an elementary moral beauty by the absolute straightforwardness of its appeal and by the singleness of its purpose.