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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Downright \Down"right`\, a.

  1. Plain; direct; forthright; unceremonious; blunt; positive; as, he spoke in his downright way.

    A man of plain, downright character.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  2. Open; artless; undisguised; absolute; unmixed; as, downright atheism.

    Syn: honest-to-goodness. [1913 Webster]

    The downright impossibilities charged upon it.

    Gloomy fancies which in her amounted to downright insanity.
    --Prescott. -- Down"right`ly, adv. -- Down"right`ness, n.


n. The personal quality of being straightforward and direct in one's manner


n. the quality of being direct and straightforward; "what some people take for rudeness is really straightforwardness" [syn: straightforwardness]

Usage examples of "downrightness".

The society was very simple compared with the complex condition of ours, and yet it had more striking contrasts, and was a singular mixture of downrightness and artificiality.