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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stomatitis \Stom`a*ti"tis\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. sto`ma, -atos, mouth + -itis.] (Med.) Inflammation of the mouth.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"inflammation of the interior of the mouth," 1859, from Greek stomato- (befdore vowels stomat-), comb. form from stem of stoma "mouth" (see stoma) + -itis.


n. An inflammation of parts of the mucous membrane lining of the mouth.


n. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth


Stomatitis is inflammation of the mouth and lips. It refers to any inflammatory process affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips, with or without oral ulceration.

In its widest meaning, stomatitis can have a multitude of different causes and appearances. Common causes include infections, nutritional deficiencies, allergic reactions, radiotherapy, and many others.

When inflammation of the gums and the mouth generally presents itself, sometimes the term gingivostomatitis is used, though this is also sometimes used as a synonym for herpetic gingivostomatitis.

The term is derived from the Greek stoma , meaning "mouth", and the suffix -itis , meaning "inflammation."

Usage examples of "stomatitis".

No symptoms developed, but six weeks later, the child had an attack of ulcerative stomatitis, from which it seemed to be recovering nicely, when suddenly it ejected two ounces of bright red blood in clots, and became collapsed out of proportion to the loss of blood.

Spigelia Marilandica 314 Spinal Column 24 Spinal Cord 25, 90 Spinal Cord, Reflex Action of the 93 Spinal Curvature, Posterior 898 Spinal Nerves 89 Spirit Vapor-bath 362 Spirometer 391, 392 Spleen 44 Sponge Bath 365 Sprains 892 Squaw-root 305 Stapes 110 Static Electrical Machine 629 Sterility 707 Sternum 23 Stethoscope 391 Stimulants 348 Stomach 39, 52 Stomach, Inflammation of the 882, 884 Stomach, Neuralgia of the 885 Stomatitis 553 Stomatitis Materna 554 Stone in the Bladder 838 Stone-pock 442 Stone-root 337 Story of Sexual Abuse 394 Stramonium 344 Striae 31 Stricture of the Urethra 775, 843 Strumous Diathesis 445 Strumous Synovius 453 St.

Viruses: Foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, Rift Valley fever, vesicular stomatitis, vesicular exanthema, hog cholera, African swine fever, fowl plague, Newcastle disease, and equine encephalomyelitis.

As a wash it is good for spongy gums, ulcerated throat and aphthous stomatitis, and the tincture is also applied to foul and indolentulcers.