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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stem-winder \Stem"-wind`er\, n.

  1. A stem-winding watch. [Colloq.]

  2. Hence: (Fig.) Anything of superior quality, as was attributed to the stem-winding watch; -- esp. used to describe a stirring speech, as in the phrase ``a stem-winder of a speech'' or ``delivered a stem-winder''.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"excellent thing" (especially a rousing speech), 1892, from stem-winding watches (1875), which were advanced and desirable when introduced. See stem (n.) + wind (v.1).


n. 1 A watch that is wound up by turning a small knob (at the stem) 2 (context US English) A rousing speech, especially by a politician 3 (context US English) Someone who gives such speeches, a great orator. 4 (context US proscribed English) An boring, interminable speech. 5 (context US obsolete English) Top-notch, first-rate.


n. a watch that is wound by turning a knob at the stem

Usage examples of "stem-winder".

I noticed his watch: it looked like the big old vest pocket stem-winder kind, but strapped to his wrist somehow.