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The Collaborative International Dictionary

staple \sta"ple\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. stapled (-p'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. stapling.]

  1. To sort according to its staple; as, to staple cotton.

  2. To fasten together with a staple[9] or staples; as, to staple a check to a letter.


vb. (present participle of staple English)

Usage examples of "stapling".

But even though Sunny was typing, stapling, and stamping as quickly as she could, her mind was not on secretarial supplies but on the appointment she and her siblings had with Coach Genghis that evening, and what they could do about it.

Homeostatic pumps imperturbably removed it, and a surgeon clamped his lips together and went about the job of stapling the new lung in place without comment.

George, Florida, Hart, and Sanawey, stapling Drake to the environmental engineering monitor.