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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The praying in the Spirit appeared stagey and contrived.
▪ The scenes between the sons, all witty repartee, came close to a spoof of stagey theatrical speech.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stagy \Sta"gy\ (st[=a]"j[y^]), a. [Written also stagey.] Having an air or manner characteristic of the stage; theatrical; artificial; as, a stagy tone or bearing; -- chiefly used depreciatively.


a. (alternative spelling of stagy English)


adj. having characteristics of the stage especially an artificial and mannered quality; "stagy heroics" [syn: stagy]

Usage examples of "stagey".

Fivetide had chosen to describe himself should be rendered with a florid rolling of the syllables involved, making the Affronter officer sound like an overly stagey actor.

The semicircle broke apart to meet their advance, but nobody seemed to be speaking, which gave the scene a mimed quality, making her descent down the metal steps stagier still.

Such art was also for the masses of the people who cannot pay for original art, save in its first uncertain developments, when the stagier it is, the blacker, the bolder, the more meretriciously pretty or fantastically horrible, the better it is relished by its public.

The fog was opening like a theatre curtain, and the scene it revealed was melodramatic and stagey, seemingly too riotously coloured to be natural as the dawn fumed and glowed like a display of fireworks, orange and gold and green where it sparkled on the ocean, turning the twisting columns of fog the colour of blood and roses so that the very waters seemed to burn with unearthly fires.