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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Squeal \Squeal\ (skw[=e]l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Squealed (skw[=e]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Squealing.] [Of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. sqv["a]la, Norw. skvella. Cf. Squeak, Squall.]

  1. To cry with a sharp, shrill, prolonged sound, as certain animals do, indicating want, displeasure, or pain.

  2. To turn informer; to betray a secret. [Slang]


n. The sound of one who squeals; a squeal. vb. (present participle of squeal English)


adj. having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge [syn: screaky, screechy, squeaking, squeaky]

Usage examples of "squealing".

I saw the others turn, all trumpeting and squealing, and then Kirby-Smith fired, the crash of his rifle so loud my ears sang with the noise of it.

Through the haze of its dust I could see the dead elephant lying motionless like a great grey rock, and beyond it, the rest of the herd, half hidden in their own dust cloud, milled around, the sound of their squealing and growling coming to us as a distant, confused din, like the roar of a panicking crowd.

They took no notice of us, rumbling amongst themselves and then, with much squealing and growling the few young were marshalled and led away, out of the dry bed of the Balesa Kulal towards the great volcanic heap that towered above us in the moonlight.

It checked on the lip of a sheer drop, behind it a youngster squealing miserably with another squatting adult holding on to it with its trunk.

We were right under that island with the wind on our back when there was a sudden roaring and squealing of elephants, a cry of pain, and then the crash of bodies in thick bush.

It was a mixture of humming or purring, like a kitten when content, and the downright squealing like a cat in heat.

Then there were four more men, each eager to take over the squealing blonde.

Basilica itself, but his senses, he knows, can no longer be trusted, for he also seems to hear the murderous cries of squealing assassins, angels fluttering and making rude windy noises overhead, and a little whistlmg sound inside his skull as though something might be boring away in there, and the blur before his eyes is throbbing as though his pulse were beating on him from without.

He stood there in her crotch, weaving sinuously from side to side, hunching his shoulders, his flat little head squealing down into her face.

It bowed its ruined head to its chest as if to inspect the squealing assailant now hanging from its buckled shoulder with frantic claws.

In a scaly hollow a crowd of naked Perks fled squealing from the echo of their bounding feet.

Never mind that drunken song and laughter and the squealing shrieks of pinched barmaids would naturally defeat his best effort.

The smaller they were the more noisy and mischievous, squealing and frolicking and chasing between the legs of their mothers.

They closed in on the herd quietly, the squealing and uproar from the calves blanketing their approach until they were right in amongst the herd.

He saw a calf, hit in error, trying to tear the arrow from its own flank and squealing pitifully as the barbs clung stubbornly in the flesh.