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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Speed lathe

Speed \Speed\, n. [AS. sp?d success, swiftness, from sp?wan to succeed; akin to D. spoedd, OHG. spuot success, spuot to succees, Skr. sph[=a] to increase, grow fat. [root]170b.]

  1. Prosperity in an undertaking; favorable issue; success. ``For common speed.''

    O Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day.
    --Gen. xxiv. 1

  2. 2. The act or state of moving swiftly; swiftness; velocity; rapidly; rate of motion; dispatch; as, the speed a horse or a vessel.

    Speed, to describe whose swiftness number fails.

    Note: In kinematics, speedis sometimes used to denote the amount of velocity without regard to direction of motion, while velocity is not regarded as known unless both the direction and the amount are known.

  3. One who, or that which, causes or promotes speed or success. [Obs.] ``Hercules be thy speed!''

    God speed, Good speed; prosperity. See Godspeed.

    Speed gauge, Speed indicator, & Speed recorder (Mach.), devices for indicating or recording the rate of a body's motion, as the number of revolutions of a shaft in a given time.

    Speed lathe (Mach.), a power lathe with a rapidly revolving spindle, for turning small objects, for polishing, etc.; a hand lathe.

    Speed pulley, a cone pulley with steps.

    Syn: Haste; swiftness; celerity; quickness; dispatch; expedition; hurry; acceleration. See Haste.

Speed lathe

Lathe \Lathe\ (l[=a][th]), n. [OE. lathe a granary; akin to G. lade a chest, Icel. hla[eth]a a storehouse, barn; but cf. also Icel. l["o][eth] a smith's lathe. Senses 2 and 3 are perh. of the same origin as lathe a granary, the original meaning being, a frame to hold something. If so, the word is from an older form of E. lade to load. See Lade to load.]

  1. A granary; a barn. [Obs.]

  2. (Mach.) A machine for turning, that is, for shaping articles of wood, metal, or other material, by causing them to revolve while acted upon by a cutting tool.

  3. The movable swing frame of a loom, carrying the reed for separating the warp threads and beating up the weft; -- called also lay and batten.

    Blanchard lathe, a lathe for turning irregular forms after a given pattern, as lasts, gunstocks, and the like.

    Drill lathe, or Speed lathe, a small lathe which, from its high speed, is adapted for drilling; a hand lathe.

    Engine lathe, a turning lathe in which the cutting tool has an automatic feed; -- used chiefly for turning and boring metals, cutting screws, etc.

    Foot lathe, a lathe which is driven by a treadle worked by the foot.

    Geometric lathe. See under Geometric

    Hand lathe, a lathe operated by hand; a power turning lathe without an automatic feed for the tool.

    Slide lathe, an engine lathe.

    Throw lathe, a small lathe worked by one hand, while the cutting tool is held in the other.