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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
speed bump
▪ In the big picture, the Rams were nothing more than a speed bump on the road toward the Super Bowl.
▪ Internet advertising, until recently flourishing, is hitting its first speed bump.
▪ It stopped an admiring eye like a visual speed bump.
speed bump

n. A traffic calming measure, consisting of a transverse ridge in the road, to limit the speed of vehicles.

speed bump

n. a hindrance to speeding created by a crosswise ridge in the surface of a roadway

Speed Bump

Speed Bump is a single-panel cartoon series by Dave Coverly, syndicated since 1994 by Creators Syndicate.

Describing his cartoons, Coverly commented, "Basically," he says, "if life were a movie, these would be the outtakes."

Speed Bump is published in more than 400 newspapers and websites, including The Washington Post, Toronto Globe and Mail, Detroit Free Press, Chicago Tribune, Indianapolis Star, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cincinnati Enquirer, New Orleans Times-Picayune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Vancouver Sun, The Baltimore Sun and The Arizona Republic.

Speed bump (disambiguation)

A speed bump is a bump on a road designed to slow traffic.

Speed bump may also refer to:

  • Speed Bump, a comic strip by Dave Coverly
  • A skin rash that may result from injecting methamphetamine
  • A type of task assigned to teams on the reality TV series The Amazing Race