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n. (alternative form of spark plug English)

Sparkplug (comics)

Sparkplug is a female character published by Heroic Publications, based in part on the character "Poinettia" originally created by Stacy Thain for a superhero role-playing game called Champions. She is the sister of the heroine Flare, and her powers are electrical as opposed to Flare's light-based powers. Her little brother Tomas is the superhuman Overman. As with her sister, Sparkplug is a member of the group the League of Champions.

Sparkplug (Transformers)

Sparkplug is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.

Usage examples of "sparkplug".

A vibrant sixty-year-old, he kept his sparkplug of a body in terrific shape by either jogging or spending an hour a day at the workout room in the basement of the federal courthouse.

Even the rubber insulating coatings of the sparkplug and other wires were left behind, but the metal wires themselves had been pulled right out.

This male visited often, usually asked for Firecat before anything else, and frequently brought the gentle little long hair whom he had called Sparkplug after finding her as a skinny kitten on top of a crate of the things when he had been fire inspecting a warehouse.

In town a defective sparkplug brings the close attention of a crowd which exchanges opinions as to whether the lady in the tonneau is your wife.

From an early age Saul has been replacing sparkplugs and changing oil.

The pilot took a wooden handled screwdriver from his back-pocket and methodically began to tighten the unshielded wires that bridged the magneto to the sparkplugs atop each of the finned, gray steel cylinders.

There are eight plugs, four on each side, and that's right - eight cylinders, eight sparkplugs - but there's no distributor cap and no distributor, not that I can see.

This is what house music is, this is what the psychedelic rebirth is, this is what the new cyber-tribalism is, and at the centre of this the sparkplug, the necessary element, the sine qua non, if you will, is the psychedelic experience, because it's not an ideology, it's not something that you get from Baba if you clean up around the ashram for a few years, it doesn't come to you from some beady-eyed roshi, rishi, geshe, or guru.