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a. Engaged in the building and launching of vehicles into space. n. (The practice of) spaceflight.


n. a voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere [syn: spaceflight, space travel]


To be spacefaring is to be capable of and active in the art of space travel or space transport, the operation of spacecraft or spaceplanes. It involves a knowledge of a variety of topics and development of specialised skills including: aeronautics; astronautics; programs to train astronauts; space weather and forecasting; ship-handling and small craft handling; operation of various equipment; spacecraft design and construction; atmospheric takeoff and reentry; orbital mechanics (aka astrodynamics); communications; engines and rockets; execution of evolutions such as towing, micro-gravity construction, and space docking; cargo handling equipment, dangerous cargoes and cargo storage; spacewalking; dealing with emergencies; survival at space and first aid; fire fighting; life support. The degree of knowledge needed within these areas is dependent upon the nature of the work and the type of vessel employed. "Spacefaring" is analogous to seafaring.

Until now, there has never been a crewed mission outside the Earth– Moon system. However, the United States, Russia, China, European Space Agency countries, and a few corporations and enterprises have plans in various stages to travel to Mars (see Manned mission to Mars).

Spacefaring entities can be both sovereign states and private corporations. Spacefaring nations are those capable of independently building and launching craft into space. A growing number of private entities have become or are becoming space faring.

Usage examples of "spacefaring".

An ancient spacefaring race the Linyaari knew only as the Ancestral Friends had saved the ki-lin from primitive and brutal humans who were hunting them to extinction on Terra, and brought them through the cosmos to Vhiliinyar, where they had thrived once again.

Beneath Picard, and Riker as he came to stand beside his captain, was the permanently moored border cutter Bozeman, docked here as a spacefaring museum.

The right of innocent passage and access to unclaimed celestial bodies is recognized by every spacefaring nation.

Hed told Elisabeth the Prideful Sue had returned to Earthsystem on very big and very hush-hush business, something he wasnt free to talk about, and that if the deal was concluded successfully he might be taking a long vacation from spacefaring.

He'd told Elisabeth the Prideful Sue had returned to Earthsystem on very big and very hush-hush business, something he wasn't free to talk about, and that if the deal was concluded successfully he might be taking a long vacation from spacefaring.

The merchanters, the faster-than-light freighters, are huge ships, some of the largest being veritable spacefaring villages run by a hierachy of captains, one for each shift, and are matrilinear (but not matriarchal) due to the lifestyle.

Since Cartan had been in orbit around Chandrasekhar, ninety-seven light years from Earth, for almost three centuries — and was currently even further from all the other spacefaring polises — Gisela was at a loss to imagine what urgent diplomatic tasks the mayor could be engaged in, let alone why it would want to consult her.

The space center was a prime target for the separatists, since it coordinated most of the spacefaring activity, as well as for religious fanatics who believed that the extrasolar-vessel program was an affront to the Demiurges.

At the dawn of space exploration, hu- mans had affixed various data-storage media to its space probes in the unlikely event they were ever recovered by aliens: first, analog at the time had hoped would be universal symbols, each derived from basic physical constants that could be interpreted by any spacefaring culture.